C.T. Rex Pope

Yeah, you get what you deserve when you support this retched excuse of a family by paying them to stay on their property.

Yeah right, I have dinner parties with bad seafood just to show off my bathroom swag!!

“You’ve got evidence of you commiting treason? Yeah, go ahead and tweet that out.” - Donnie J’s lawyers.

Donnie Trump Jr has the best lawyers. Top notch lawyers.

Trump supporters: America’s dumbest people.

He plans to form a team with the very people that hacked the US election. He’s either Putin’s puppet, or the dumbest man ever to hold any elected office.

I as I said elsewhere this is not a complete map. It was just highlighting the western part of modern USA. There were trade routes all over the continent. This is just one example.

Oh yeah, it’s not a “complete” map, for sure.

“Cartographic Concepts for Smithsonian” for the source. It was originally part of the resources for this exhibit but has been taken down, so now it is just floating around online. I found it here.

I always find it interesting that people assume there were no ancient trade routes before the Silk Road. In the Americas for example, Native America’s had extensive routes, and even had trade between north and south America. Here was what the pre-Columbian trade routes looked like in North America:

Barely a time traveling giant. Just a team from near-future average Swedes that got trapped in the past. With their cloaking field broken, and no hope of returning to the future, they had no choice but to find a quite place in Shandong, and let history pass them by.

Yep. No surprise here. It’s also like someone in the administration once ran and operated a fraudulent university.

That is what happens when you raise a corgi outside the presence of the Queen.

Yeah, then we had to learn how to fly. It was SO much work.

Just a new star they said, nothing to worry about they said. It’s not getting bigger they said.

Yeah. That’s what they want you to think!

All I’m hearing is a stall alarm blaring followed by a whale eating me.