Perhaps you’re just...
Perhaps you’re just...
Coming soon: the Chrysler Town and Cuntry
And what about all the clocks? Were they able to save the clocks?
Bravo! Pedantic asshole here, still totally fun at parties, approving this comment.
Protip for running the most popular car show in the world: Take more off-the-cuff show running advice from random internet commenters!
I suppose it would make the pit maneuver a bit harder to pull off.
To me there are two types of engineers:
I disagree, I feel that racism should be called out when racism is the intent. When you call out a policy for “being racist” when it’s impact on minorities is purely coincidental, I feel like you’re distracting from the real underlying issues. It seems disingenuous and desperate to me, as if one is so willing to paint…
Those birds never expected the Spanish Indyquisition.
They hid a swarm of bees in the glovebox.
I wouldn’t trade that trusty Go-Devil for the world.
Approximately one entire human life.
“What were you thinking? You could have been robbed!”
Swiping left or right will cause the fenders to fall off though.
I’m rooting for you so badly, just so the assholes who have been giving you all kinds of shit about this project end up having to eat their words.