
God I can’t even begin to imagine how bad it smells in those gyms.

Didn’t Jeb Bush essentially rig the 2000 election for his brother while Governor of Florida?

The sad reality is that most people in America work jobs that are increasingly becoming obsolete, whether it’s due to technology or outsourcing.

Says the guy who writes about politics and the economy for a sports blog because no reputable place will hire him.

To be fair, Hillary Clinton is about as unlikable of a candidate as there’s ever been. Other than Trump of course.

An Aussie who runs a cosplay website is reviewing Madden.

Track is boring

lmao at the idiot sheep over the age of 13 playing this stupid game

Or you could just man up and not be so much of a pussy

Hm maybe it’s because Bill delivered the keynote address at the convention last night, and Hillary wasn’t there?