Regardless of questionable rights it’s still terrible that such a well-developed and maintained project such as this one was shut down. As a creator I'm even more convinced that I wouldn't want to be associated with Lucasarts.
Regardless of questionable rights it’s still terrible that such a well-developed and maintained project such as this one was shut down. As a creator I'm even more convinced that I wouldn't want to be associated with Lucasarts.
Yeah, fanfic sites everywhere should be shut down.
I’ve the right to do with what I’ve bought as I’d see fit. They’re essentially upgrading the original game for Lucasarts for ‘free’. Lucasarts doesn’t have the rights to the code the company Apeiron have created. Backwards engineering is legal and copyright which hinders technological development should be banned.…
Good article but I don’t understand the lack of knowledge when it comes to why Europeans moved to America, nor do I understand this focus on liberals. By don’t understand I mean I think you could’ve constructed a much more effective piece through having and including this knowledge as well as a more developed analysis…