
There aren’t many sounds more comforting to me than the HBO logo followed by the Curb theme.

yes, and some of them use it to declare war.

Fear not Jon, I’m sure Nacho Man will soon be exposed as a virulent racist and/or a bad parallel parker.

i, too, hate it when i accidentally do a public racism.

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There mere fact that she calls “making love” “paw paw” tells me she’s not ready.

I’m not one to call some lady I’ve never met—or even heard of until now—a liar, but, umm...this:

If my husband was too dumb to find his way out of a locker room, I’d keep it to myself.

Who knew that a successor to the “No ‘L’” schtick would surface.

His acting skills from The Wonder Years are still intact.

This is exactly where I’m at with this show. It increasingly feels like an unlicensed TNG spin-off, but there’s a large TNG shaped hole in my life, and I’m happy to watch even a passable imitation of it. The characters really aren’t grabbing me yet, but there are hints of potential. And I could watch Adrianne

I’m more than happy to have this be “Star Trek That Sometimes Does Jokes” instead of what I expected, “Police Squad Star Trek”. But they do have a lot of room to grow in terms of making the stories and characters compelling.

Shouldn’t be allowed to retire, they’ll get a pension and benefits. I like to think overseeing the leak of the countries personal data is a fireable offense.

Read: Gizmodo Media Group will have to pick a different, less fucking annoying advertising strategy.

That version may very well be a regional oddity, but it’s definitely not “what cheesesteaks are to Philadelphia and po’boys to New Orleans”. When “foreigners” hear Seattle, they, or at least I, think coffee and the fish market. I don’t think anyone outside Seattle would associate it with teriyaki chicken.

Cop here. I’ll chime in. The video itself isn’t helpful, other than proving that Bennett was detained and handcuffed. Unfortunately, we don’t have the video of what lead up to it. We could see if the officer was a complete asshole (certainly possible) or if Bennett is lying (also possible). I don’t know any of the

Bernie forced her supporters to claim that Obama wasn’t American in 2008 which Trump then used as the basis of his political career!

Ah ha, it was Bernie’s fault. Stupid Sanders started calling Hillary Clinton crooked. Otherwise Trump probably would have spent months talking about her in measured tones, mentioning the nuanced way she was forced to balance the interests of her constituents with the realities of financing a campaign. He basically

You are a bad person. It won’t change other bad people’s perception, but it will likely kill a bunch of people/ruin livelihoods.

These are exceptionally well done, but I still find the thirst to be on Ellen grating. I’m totally open to the idea that I’m just being a cynical asshole though.

V20 owner here. The reason I bought the V20 was that the specs rocked, and the damn thing was the last flagship phone around with a removable battery. This doesn’t have that one killer feature, and frankly, that makes it a lot less appealing to me. Every other phone in the fucking universe already went to the sealed