
It is not the job of society to hold back to cater to those afraid of progress. We should revel in the fact that we crush those who are trying to hold us back from becoming better as a species.


There are only two sides to this. Those that respect his freedom of expression and those who get angry when someone else expresses a thought they don’t agree with, whether they understand the point or not.

If you like The Horrors and haven’t listened to Cat’s Eyes you are missing out dearly.

And eat them.

I was rooting for Tony to die from the first panic attack.

Politics something something whine whine not what is used to be whine whine liberal media complain complain give him a chance wah wah

She makes those who are politically neutral and moderate lean right, The democratic party should have been aware of that and realized she was the wrong candidate. The concept isn’t hard to understand.

Looks like he used hate speech to further his brand, and it works every time he does so whether he is doing it purposefully or not. It is almost like the sensitive people who kick up a ruckus afterwards don’t get anything meaningful from their brouhaha, but Pewdiepie gets more views and attention.

Fairy aesthetic was already a thing? Am I wrong?

I honestly didn’t know these were supposed to be funny, If Kotaku was a magazine these would be peppered throughout the pages, you would glance at them and continue on like the New Yorker cartoons.

I would sage the ghost of Gawker.

I love the fall, I love the blossoming foliage and the dry leaves crunching under my shoes, but I fucking hate Winter.

As a person who quite regularly drives high, I can say I have zero qualms about being high while driving. I have easily logged more then a thousand miles of high driving and it is most certainly not advisable or smart, but damn is it enjoyable.

Two joints and this is roughly how paranoid I get. I am one bad acid trip from wearing a tin foil hat on the sidewalk.

I am your father Todd, and it is time to go out and experience real life again.

I read it as a Barca fan using the age old Russia tactic; “look what they are doing! So what we do is normal!” As comedy this is a very good article.

We are a nation of 300 million who can’t respect people of color even though every white person ever loves to talk of the U.S. as the “melting pot”.

Why waste seconds of your life insulting a person online for a rather milquetoast comment? Is it important to you to feel morally superior, or are you simply aiming to start arguments because you feed of the drama?

You realize a lot of what you just harped on is not the point of the article right? You are focusing on things that he didn’t while writing the article. I agree the “save the sport” thing is ridiculous, but the rest seems spot-on, and you are just bothered he didn’t provide proper context.