
There’s no way Trump knows who Lou Reed is.

It’s so incredibly obvious that the people involved in this production (who prior to this have done nothing with or about PoC) are hoping to cash in on this lame attempt at “blacksploitation”, when in fact it’s stooping to the lowest stereotyping and condescension.

“300 years after man declared God dead,”
Speculate on what the hell happened in 2007 below!

It’s Nibiru and we are toast

lololol you know that’s right.

I blame his editors for that scene making it to print. Of course the coke told him it was a good idea. That’s what coke tells you. Others should’ve known better, lol.

Still one of the greatest plot reveals ever. My young mind was freakin’ blown.

it you

Fake news. Manhattan is total fraud... A phony. He made a tremendous failure out of protecting New York. Sad. He couldn’t even keep his girlfriend. What an insult to #bluelivesmatter.

Man that slip was so Freudian it went on to create a school of psychology

That’s fantastic. I think Sweaty Sax Man makes a much better Rick Roll.

Her saxophonist!

I can’t stop giggling over this, so I would have died laughing had I actually seen it 😂

This comment is the funk of forty thousand years.

So, Puff Daddy’s tweet is what’s separating us? Not the asshole in the white house and the ones in Congress and Senate? Not the assholes on Fox News? Not continuation of Jim Crow laws? Not police killing brown and black folks for no reasons? It’s this tweet? OK then.

53 percent of black women didnt vote for Trump so there is that to celebrate.

that would be totally fascinating. it would be delightful to showcase how even many abolitionists were racists (like abraham lincoln, wanting freed slaves to go back to africa).

You could make a lot of currently relevant commentary, too. Then, as now, rich people get poor people to fight their wars for them. Did most southern white people own slaves? No, they did not. They were as manipulated and fucked over as they are now. There were, what, about four million slaves and about five