
The bigger problem with that whole scene was why they didn’t just cut Thanos’ arm off? Right after he breaks free Tony uses some sort of blade thing and Strange could have severed his arm with a portal the way Wong did to the big lizard guy in New York.

Quill could probably use it, remember he held the infinity stone in the first GOTG. If that is the case I could see him making things worse trying to get Gamora back. EDIT: Wait I think I am wrong. Didn’t he lose his celestial abilities at the end of VOl. 2?

I get the feeling this is his “thinking spot” and the bodies of many sex workers are just inside that tree line behind him.

Watch dogs 2. After 20+ hours I realized I didn’t care about the story or the characters.

Holy shit! Pump your fucking brakes buddy!
 You are one angry ass person. I didn’t say anything about brand new directions or any of that shit. All I said was I interpreted the theme differently than you.

I would say the themes of TLJ are anyone can be a hero and anyone can make a mistake but heroes keep trying. Poe fucks up big time but he never stops trying. Luke fucked up big time but he is a hero and heroes always keep trying even when they lose their way for awhile.

So much of this is just not being an asshole.


Oh no you miss understand I want him to be his own thing but for him to have a secret ‘cool’ side like Urchin did. He clearly knows his Mad science.

I have always wondered about her hat/hood/hair. Is there some explanation or theory about it?

I am hoping Tinfoil Kevin becomes this show’s version of Sewer Urchin.

I am positive his dumbass saw Cornel West and got confused.

Now playing

I suspect He thinks Lou Reed was actually quoting the plaque.

My family is painfully white and we put relish in deviled eggs. Except for my sister but she lost her damn mind and put olives on top once and that was the end of her egg making privileges.

Tell that to my siblings who can’t get their selfish heads out their ass long enough to set a proper time for dinner with our parents who are both in their 70's.

For reminding me of this.

I have been hoping for a renaissance of non white helmed horror in both film and literature since the success of Get Out but so far have only found this type of shit.

Truck nuts is another good way to pick out the racist.

Dolores Clairborne & Gerald’s Game are connected in so many ways it is almost like they should have been published as one volume. It has been years since I read either because they are two of the hardest King books to reread but if I recall correctly the two main characters were connected by the trauma’s of child