
What if he implanted a trap in her brain that is making her relive some of the trauma over and over again? It seems like something the character would do.

A friend of mine got me his autograph last year! He was our Rick Roll before there was such a thing as Rick Roll. We would sneak him onto video and audio tapes we traded back and forth for years. Some where out there in the world is a copy of Fast Times at Ridgemont high that cuts to his Lost Boys appearance RIGHT

All Hail the great joiner of faiths our one true Lord Gnocchi!

Technically it starts in the 2nd book when looking through the door at Roland in Mort’s body reminds Eddie of the big wheel scenes in the Shining.

It would have been nice had they kept that secret just so they could have the ‘Hell yeah’ moment when he shows up at the end of Justice league to save the day. Have the JLA defeat Steppenwolf only to have Darkseid show up and Rochambeau everyone. Then Supes flies in kicks Darkseid ass and throws him back through the

When I first moved into my house a friend of mine passed out in a spare room and stayed the night. The next morning in all seriousness he tells me my house is haunted because he kept hearing a woman saying hello. I just chalked it up to bullshit then a few days later the ice cream truck rolled through playing the

Colonel chicken testicle face is freaking me out!

I’m betting he is escaped food from one of the hunter species warp capable ships.

You magnificently evil so-in-so.

All of that was very helpful, thanks for the info!

I’m also very antisocial when it comes to gaming, but this game looks awesome. I have been hesitant to try it because of the multiplayer aspect. I may have to try it out now that I know other players like me are enjoying it.

Where I live they are still a thing along with the praying Calvin.

I am reminded of all the assholes with their bootleg Calvin pissing on things stickers.

Ugh. Are these licensed merchandise?

Wait. Punisher sticker? did I miss something?

Otis has enough sense to know when to lock himself in jail.


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Have you seen the trailer for the Foreigner yet?

If he had the jacket on it would work.