
That makes sense! Thank you.

That makes sense! Thank you.

That makes sense! Thank you.

Is there a reason they have this item? Other than for this type of challenge? Does the game lock you out of content once you pass its level cap?

Disclaimer I don’t really pay attention to her normally so this may seem like a dumb question:. Why is she lip syncing? Her straight up owning this shit actually makes me like her now.

38. Aliens visit and it’s “Arrival” but the alternate ending where the Chinese got their way.

The uncle-brother of Nazi zombies!

Since they are in the 80's they should do a version of the Mutant Massacre.

There are better ways to express yourself my friend. Just walk past their seat every chance you get and fart on them.

What you are describing is just harassment. I work at a library if I am walking down the street and some jerk starts asking me library questions or demanding I take his books he wants to return that guy is harassing me because I am not at work.

I think the ‘pointless’ deaths of the various team members illustrates perfectly what a battlefield sacrifice looks like. These things seem so small but they are steps toward victory. To the observer yes that is just a switch or just a data cable or just a machine gun nest but if those objectives were not done then

I originally stopped watching it the first time because Batman does something super stupid near the beginning of the movie. But I went back and watched it again. It was super dumb and in places felt like it was almost pandering to the douchiest guy at the club but Robbie, and Smith (Who I am normally ambivalent

Maybe there is less effort to improve or even include color because those things will vary drastically between species with different eye structures.

I would not be surprised if Marvel had some pretty strict clauses about Swinton speaking publicly on this issue in relation to the film before a certain date (if ever) in her contract so she may be limited in how she can respond.

I only ever saw the special edition extended cut up to a little past the scene where Deadshot’s daughter puts herself between his gun and Batman. To me it just seems like something Batman would not do. At least even the younger versions of Robin have been trained in some capacity to deal with dangerous situations