
The shows dignity as we are all surprised when the murder is the start of a West side story dance/fight number breaking out.

So an American remake?

I was bullied a lot in school. Middle school was exceptionally bad. My 7th grade year I got into trouble on an almost weekly basis. Some asshole would needle me with both verbal and physical abuse until I had enough and I’d snap and take a swing at them or cuss them out. I was always the one who got sent to the

I have two theories:

I grew up with Mr grandmother living in our house. She was a spitfire. That is her shooting the bird as my user picture.

I had that done! He called it cadaver bone paste which made me bust out laughing because I had this awful voice in my head say “you get it from boning cadavers?”

What ever happened to the film adaptation of the musical they were talking about in the early years of the 21st century?

I second this!

Go in with late 80s syndicated TV levels of expectation and you should be OK. It has come ts of brilliance Ina sea of low budget compromise. It is worth a look just for how they tie it to the movie and expand on its basic ideas. The second season takes a strange turn but is still interesting for the time it was

Sorry that was meant for another person.

Shaka and Easy were real people Roland is not. Roots is based on actual real life events. Dark tower is not.

You do realize each time Roland passes through the tower time resets and the world changes right? This go around he is black. Big fucking deal. Idris is an amazing actor and the only problem with him playing Roland is it will probably keep him from playing James Bond.

Actually what he said was if you are famous they let you get away with worse shit than when you are poor. Which is a true statement.

WoW cured me of online multiplayer for all time. I don’t want the few hours a week I have to play a game dependent on a bunch of strangers I don’t know having way to high of expectations for play vs reward in a video game.


“Still other times, it’s the ability to make people laugh.”

This seems like the perfect place to ask for game recommendations. A friend of mine gave me his old 3DS last summer and it sat untouched until this week. I have been playing Links Awakening since I never did play it when it originally came out. I also bought Pokemon Yellow to try because I haven’t ever played a

I’m going to peek in every box in the forest I see. You never know when second breakfast is going to just fall into your lap.

It bothered me that he didn’t rip the power source off myself. Considering how Diamondback was defeated made me wonder was the suit feeding off the kinetic energy of Luke’s punches to make the force shield and the boosted strength? 

Diamondback’s power suit is perfect when you look at him as the polar opposite of Luke. He is loud, flashy and obnoxious so his ‘super villain’ costume is too. Luke being forced to wear a version of his original costume when he escapes the prison and his rejection of it also is the polar opposite of Diamondback