Actually what he said was if you are famous they let you get away with worse shit than when you are poor. Which is a true statement.
Actually what he said was if you are famous they let you get away with worse shit than when you are poor. Which is a true statement.
WoW cured me of online multiplayer for all time. I don’t want the few hours a week I have to play a game dependent on a bunch of strangers I don’t know having way to high of expectations for play vs reward in a video game.
“Still other times, it’s the ability to make people laugh.”
This seems like the perfect place to ask for game recommendations. A friend of mine gave me his old 3DS last summer and it sat untouched until this week. I have been playing Links Awakening since I never did play it when it originally came out. I also bought Pokemon Yellow to try because I haven’t ever played a…
He has a theme song! Like all Big Buttery men should.
Some friends and I were joking around about seeing sketchy personals ads. I don’t know how that had come up as a topic, but we were looking for funny ones on craigslist’s hook up personals section. We saw one in the Women looking for men section with the title “Kick my ass” imagine my shock when it was from one of…
I saw the Baymax thing this is for you. God there is just not enough happy in the world to balance that story out.
I used to work in a inner city library. A huge building the size of a city block. I worked on the second floor and there was only one employee restroom on that floor and it was a women’s room. So I could either go up or down a floor to the men’s room or use the public one on my floor. I saw TONS of crazy things in…
Big Butter Jesus sounds like a porn star name.
The thing to do in that situation is flip the paper over and rephrase what she wrote but about Satan. It may not shut her up but it would make the whole harassment thing entertaining. Or just add extra words to her sentences to make them horrible or stupid. “Jesus died for your sins... and great savings for one…
While this isn’t cancer, and it could just be him being weird. It could also be mental illness or grief. Some people fixate on a doll when they lose a child.
It is a stupid typo and I am totally not snarking on you because I agree with you but ‘pailing around’ just cracked me up. When I read it I just pictured all these Trump idiots furiously trying to remove all the shit they spew with buckets everywhere they go.
I’m a white guy and I feel the same way every time.
You should try the ginger ale version of the 1893 pepsi they put out this summer. It has a good kick to it. And if you can get it Northern Neck ginger ale is great for a mass market soda.
My first day at my old job, an archival library, a man walked up to the urinal next to mine began to pee then proceeded to ask me a bunch of questions about stuff in the collection. I have never willingly used a urinal since. That incident set the tone for the rest of my time there too. Just in the public restroom I…
To me this is what Hillary always seems to be doing. Acting on short term goals that are really just small steps for bigger long term goals.
Totally unrelated but funny story.
Kotaku listen to this person this is genius!!