
I totally sympathize and being put on the spot like that would totally suck but at the same time there is just so much delicious schadenfreude in seeing a surprise public proposal getting rejected.

In Vanilla Wow I explored the entire world with the same character, a Horde Warlock. This was before achievements but I had every map explored. I think I finished up around the time of the first Lunar festival where you had to go hunt up all the elders. So like 2 years, but I was a casual player. There used to be lots

That is a pretty decent playlist.

And it is awesome because you don’t normally see portrayals of black families adopting white kids now with this and the Flash we have two but why even bother with that explanation? Does the adoption thing really matter to the story? Just let them be bother and sister and let the bigots worry about their skin tone.

Lost Vikings. I was 18 sitting on the floor of my room struggling on one of the last levels for hours. My brother comes in lays across my bed and starts talking trash. I took about 10 minutes of his shit before I snapped jumping up and throwing the controller at him. It hit his foot fracturing his pinky toe. The

How awesome would a Chewie, Han and Lando heist style movie be? Just a slice of their life before joining the rebellion.

It is so adorable in a really sad and fucked up way. One of my coworkers today asked if I saw it and if it was crazy good. My answer was: It is so awesome the bad guy had his own House band.

My wife and I were wondering about the warboys too we think they were recruited from conquered gangs and tribes and then the better warriors were also bred with another ‘less pure’ group of women. I’m pretty sure they have radiation sickness and loads of birth defects too.

I love Arrow and Flash but am I the only one who is tired of the Ra’s al ghul story arc and the flashback heaviness of the series? I want to see more of the Arrow in a larger world this story line has made the world seem cramped in some ways.

That face just screams ‘wait they save emails?’

I had to run to the bathroom and missed her big reveal. So I thought it was something more in line with an assassin like killing a parent or something . The no babies things is crap. Also WTF exactly was the lullaby. Our speculation was Banner and her put some sort of hypnotic suggestion in his brain to shut the hulk

Looking at that article one huge question comes to mind: WHY DOES IT COST SO MUCH TO ADOPT?

The WWII starvation experiment would make a great movie. Conscientious objectors and other men deemed unfit for military duty wanting to still serve their country allowing themselves to be starved so doctors could study how to best recover from that condition. The experiment was done to prepare the allies for the

It seems more like disappointed grumbling than actual shitting to me. What they have done so far just is not resonating in a positive way for some people. Its a shame because DC’s animated features are better written than Marvels live action movies. If they could apply that talent to their live action projects they

Yeah that guy, and all Octopi are awesome.

It holds up surprisingly well, I think its because the kids in it did a good job of acting like kids not adult ideas of kids.

People keep saying they had to make him darker for modern audiences but Marvel’s success shows you can have good superhero movies that are not all dark. They manage to have the serious stuff alongside just making the movie fun to watch. D.C. totally kills it with their animated movies because they manage to hit that

I really wish I had thought to take a picture of it. I was off fried chicken for a few months because of it.