
I agree that the therapist has more going on than looking after Ally’s well-being. AHS has a history of seemingly “good” doctors turning out to be villains (the Dr. Thredson character from Asylum) and that would seem a likely turn here. But, as we also know from AH, more characters and plotlines are bound to be

Well, under normal circumstances, she might have felt some obligation to help panic-stricken Ally with Oz under these emergency circumstances. But, it seems that she wanted to leave so that Ally’s phobias would skyrocket and make her more vulnerable to what may or may not be a clown attack. But the show is signalling

I like this analysis. The beauty of Lynch’s work—and its amplified in the Return—is that it is so open-ended and inviting to multiple readings and interpretation. In having read through many of these interpretations of the show (particularly 18), I am surprised that more has not been made of Lynch’s career long

You can count on AH shifting the narrative and direction of the show at some point. I suspect the overtly political references and odes to current event (immigrant bashing) will fall away in the next 3 to 4 episodes.

One defining motif of AH is that Sarah Paulson always begins the season as a helpless, hysterical, screaming mess but transforms into a Ripley type heroine as the show progresses. AH-Cult, unless it harbors a counter to type twist, seems to be setting the stage for that kind of transformation. I agree that Kai’s