
No, it was a student and two football players you idiot.

Two raining dolla billz yall?

This is either good Kinja or the dumbest correlation I’ve read today. Even if NFL players driving records somehow correlated with their job, smoking weed increases the chance that you are in a fatal car accident. The year after pot was legalized in Colorado, the number of fatal car accidents that involved pot jumped

Counterpoint: Have three drinks. I don’t have time to explain it in 15 paragraphs, but trust me.

The participation ribbon is the trophy that goes to the winner of the AFC South.

LeBron’s great, great, great uncle Jesse would have also be very offended.

Do you just not follow hockey or are you just a fucking idiot? My son just separated his shoulder two nights ago on a hit against the boards. I’ve seen more injuries on the side wall and in the corners that anywhere else. I can think of three kids off the top of my head who have been paralyzed from hitting the boards

Can we see it from another camera angle please?

They still are. The offense never keeps them off the field and never scores. Last night a turnover inside the ten yard line lead to the game-winning TD. The Viking’s losses are all on the O.

I understand arguing a call, but going after a ref with a foreign object is over the line.

They are part of the NCAA and that’s how the NCAA works.

So that’s what Mr. Burns looks like in real life.

Nice work law dog.

So technically Carlsen is still undefeated.

He stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night, so just listen to him. Plus I saw an episode of Untold Stories of the E.R. where they treated a patient for methanol poisoning with a half a bottle of rum. So that pretty much makes it fact. No need to Google anything.

No, he’s probably the wurst.

Thumbs up.

This needs a little more love.