
Don’t forget his brother’s $5.5 million.

“I get older and they stay the same age.” -David Wooderson

I don’t recall Obama being a bigoted, misogynistic, sociopathic liar.

Like deer and moose.

Beets and asparagus, eaten together, will cause a major shame shit the next day.

They would have trouble finding the right number to sustain profits. Do they charge $30/mo for those who cannot live without it? Do they go with $16-$18 per month in hopes to keep enough subs? Right now they are getting something like $8-$9 per sub per month. But many of those subs just get it because it is forced on

Meanwhile Cardinals fans ate crow.

Like this?

Yeah they are as big of an asshole as those people who park where they are not supposed to and then want leniency when they get caught. Fuck you.

This will be the first in-stadium blackout for professional sports. Suck on that NFL.

Wait... Walmart has Schlitz now?

I’d give him a hand for keeping his cool, but obviously he already has two that are very capable.

Cy Young is a pretty good pitcher name.

Here is your new Republican front-runner for the 2020 Presidential Election...

So he’s basically a Faster Pussycat.

young player who can knock the dick off the ball

So what you are saying is that when the US eventually falls, those of us in rural flyover country are going to be fine while Cali and the Northeast is fucked? I’ll read about it more once the podcast is transcribed.