
New York already has a largely undeveloped state park that could be turned into a 436-acre coronavirus cemetery. It already has the right name on it.

Trump promised to make the US a world leader.

You’re an ICU nurse? Today, the question isn’t what car you should buy, it’s what car we should buy for you.

If any employees from FedEx or USPS decide to reach out to tell me about conditions there, we’ll report on them. This isn’t a hit piece; I have no beef with UPS, but when multiple workers are reaching out to talk about these conditions, it deserves to be reported. No one is trying to stir up paranoia, just expose

I can see the argument for keeping the service departments open as being at least plausible. Keeping the sales floor open so they can take advantage of panicked buyers is a lot less so. 

Sirius is explicitly sold as a subscription, so that’s clear and understood.


If this is the kind of shit we allow to happen, then maybe we don’t deserve to modify cars.

It’s my fault you’re an ass?

or become the president. 

Very well done.

David, David, he’s our man!  If he can’t break it down in a detailed explainer, no one can!

Jalopnik is one of the very few outlets that does not agree to informational embargoes. That means that other outlets sign extensive non-disclosure agreements, agreeing to sit on information for days, weeks, sometimes months in advance, and not say a peep about it until a manufacturer’s marketing team says they can.

Because everything is improved with a manual.


if you think 5k will get you a decent XJ that will make a cross country trip, I have some sad news for you

I thought it was common knowledge that Edison didn’t invent the lightbulb, just came up with a better filament. 

“I like people going through the extra effort to swap weird and unusual motors.”

This is the problem with these takes though. YOU aren’t paying for that swap. YOU aren’t living with that swap. YOU aren’t having to deal with the integration hassles of that swap. Everyone wants someone else to foot the bill to put an

The world is littered with former athletes and other sudden millionaires that had no education in money management that end as poor as when they started or worse.

I’m currently leasing a 2018 DB11 for about $3,300 a month. I’m 9 months into a 36-month lease. I traded in a Tesla for this car and absorbed a 30k loss on it and rolled it into the Aston Martin lease.