
Four-car garage in a warm climate with junkyards filled with rust-free machines?

That’s the dream.

There are a lot better places than LA or NYC. This is the part of this industry I have never understood. It seems that a significant portion of the media are completely unaware there are other places in the US besides LA, NYC, and DC (not directed at you, because Texas). How about Nashville, Atlanta, or Houston for

Supposedly our latest set of overlords is looking for an office in LA, and when I suggested we move Jalopnik there I was met with almost zero resistance from the staff. Maybe we can decamp for the West Coast.

Let’s count all the memorable stupid errors they’ve made in the last 10 years: leaving Jenson Button’s radiator covers on when releasing him for his warm-up at Monaco, causing him to blow his engine; laughable pitstop discipline for the 1st quarter of the 2012 F1 season; and completely botching the entire turbo-hybrid

Peolsi could fuck off already with fucking biden, garbage old white statue quo trash.

Unless voters start magically growing brains, then probably not. 

It’ll cost $90k and they’ll make approximately 5, so whatever. 

Eh, not sure about that. The barriers to entry for a business are lower in a place like Indy, where you’re going to have lower overall costs and more local recognition, than a place like NYC.

This guy is a complete pile of shit, but “Weaponized Mulattoes” is a great name for a band.

Too true.

Sam Bowie (everything; plus picked ahead of MJ)

Greg Oden (old age)

I believe he can’t fly to Dubai

But Tesla is one hell of a hype machine. Literally the Fyre festival of auto manufacturers

The Dodge Caliber was like throwing up in your own mouth, as a car.

as if the Lakers season couldn’t get any worse.

“Apple has intentionally slowed down older phones through forced updates to make you get a new one.”

I’m actually all for new tech but think about this: Apple has intentionally slowed down older phones through forced updates to make you get a new one. What’s to keep GM from pulling HP out of your car as it gets older or making your infotainment act goofy or “breaking” something so you start wanting to ditch it and

“They had five different quarterbacks. They had Alex Smith, Josh Johnson, Mark Sanchez...Some guy named Peeboo Horshake. They had Count Chocula AND Frankenberry! Two times founding father Alexander Hamilton started and for three quarters Lin-Manuel Miranda filled in for him!
They had Mac of Mac and Me throwing three