
I got your metatarsals right there at the bottom.
I bought your jawbone back in Autumn, you must not have caught that.
There prob’ly was problem with the science or somethin’.
Sometime my tiny arms get in the way of jottin’
But anyway, fuck it. What’s up man, How’s your plinth?
I’m up at auction too, but it looks like

For anyone interested: the Weird Al movie is fantastic.

The research is being led by Dr. Acula.

You all need to read or re-read “Rendevous with Rama” as fast as possible.

Great article. This is the type of article that used to make Gizmodo great before the focus on partisan political crap. I’m particularly interested in mankind’s efforts to explore and even harness gravitational waves to do things like probe black holes.

Now playing

Wrong. This the best thing to come from the prequels.

Maybe Se7en Of Nine will show up...

I’m thinking more Guiron than shark, myself.

your mom

For his four year old. Not him. His four year old.

Prime riding Grimlock is pretty badass. I just hope we don't have to sit through an hour of tedious "comedy" to get through it and then be unable to see through the mists of shakycam.

But I really want the eye of Sauron desk lamp!
