
Wait. Aren’t the dealers necessary to protect the consumers best interests? Have I been misinformed?

Neutral: Eagle Eye Hammer Thrust! Makers of the Geoff and new for 2017 the Geoff Super Volante!

Neutral: If you could name a car brand, what would you name it?

You are someone who admits they hate basketball, yet you clicked on an article specifically about basketball. Then you give advice about getting a life. So much irony.

Yep. The guy who couldn’t bring himself to change his behavior for the sake of the people he supposedly loved.

Divorces don’t happen because of things. They happen because of people.

You can say you’re from Milwaukee. That’s fine. What I don’t like is the “...so I really don’t care about the Bucks.” This implies people from Milwaukee don’t care about the Bucks. Do not loop in the rest of Milwaukee with your opinion on basketball. Plenty, and I mean PLENTY, of Milwaukee residents are absolutely

Something tells me you won’t need to worry about anyone talking to you...

It amazes me how awful the internet can be, and on the flip-side, how compassionate it can be.

A lot of the comments lamented how many they need to make. Again, the point of retail is to make money, which pays your salary. Everyone has work complaints, if your complaint is you have too many customers you don’t get what you’re there for.

Oh no, you made a product that everyone likes and now you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the people who want to give you their money?

Retail really sucks in the US. Your job is to sell a lot and make money. They have a hot product and they are upset. It’s pretty ridiculous. YOUR WHOLE FUCKING JOB IS TO MAKE COFFEE AND YOU’RE MAD YOU HAVE TO MAKE COFFEE.

Boston fans might just want to take a break from hockey and watch some NBA. I haven’t checked, but I’m sure the Celtics are easily handling the 8-seed Bulls.

Yes, because Mankind never repeats its mistakes...

You get an F !

I hate this stacking lights thing. This, the Jeep Cherokee, and the Nissan Juke all do it. It’s a super ugly design element.

I like the side profile, but the front and rear just don’t do anything for me.

This type of story is really cool. I’d like to more “under-the-hood” information. Gives me a renewed appreciation for all of the complexities that are inherent in games!

“the automaker has elected to rebrand it the “Tiguan Limited” and will be aimed at buyers who want something a bit cheaper”

Now playing

Unfortunately, stupid attitudes haven’t really changed in 50 years. Women were only allowed to compete in the bobsled starting in 2002 because they were deemed “fragile”.