If they let the press fucking test the work of art already this would be over with, goddamn it Ferrari
If they let the press fucking test the work of art already this would be over with, goddamn it Ferrari
Look, I can't stop buying D-Rose gear, my job requires a suit and tie.
how about, no one wants to watch you launch a game. If you weren’t so caught up in the motions of streaming and spent time on content, you wouldn’t have this problem. (i don’t mean you i mean you)
Jalopnik:A teaching/learning environment!
Horatio Sanz could be heard laughing from Section 410, Row 14
This appeals to what I think too many men think it means to treat women well. All that stuff about access to contraception and other aspects of equality doesn’t register with them. You don’t actually hit your wife? Congrats, you’re a fucking hero.
Agreed. 150 for lyfe yo.
Yeah and it looked the same too. Kinda weird how commenters are effectively functioning like neurons in remembering this in the Jalopnikortex
It’s like asking if Travis could use more muscles. Sure he’s great the way he is, but a little higher power-to-wait ratio would be great.
I get a feeling that this would work better for a MB or BMW dealer than it would for Toyota and Honda. My hypothesis is that people spending more money will value their time and headaches saved over the savings on a sticker price on the other side of town more than people shopping standard brands. Plus they get to…
Confuses the hell out of me 10 out of 10 times.
Reddit users can get Insider just fine. It’s just that nobody lets them get Insider for free.
Law shouldn’t expect a Reddit user to actually know how to get insider.
well, there is a long list of creatives on youtube, of course, but as joe puts it himself what was removed is basically a video of “five people having fun in mario party 10” and to me, a person who earns his hard cash with creativity that doesn’t seem any creative at all. sounds embarassing, even.
“I hope Nintendo enjoyed the free ad revenue I generated for them, the positive coverage I generated for them,”
Gameplay footage is not fair use, as nothing about it is transformative. If you were to upload a review then that would be fair use, however talking over footage or just uploading footage is not fair use. That won’t change until this subject is involved in a court hearing.
AngryJoe is an idiot and this is his fault. He’s big enough into youtube to know that this would happen to him. In fact, this happened to him before. If he wants to make Nintendo videos, he can either agree to the terms that Nintendo legally is allowed to dictate or create a coalition of like-minded Youtubers to…
Oh, great, even Kotaku is falling for Angry Joe’s bullshit. This is an attempt to get hits, stop falling for it. Joe does not cover Nintendo titles, he never has and he never will. A while back he uploaded raw Mario Kart footage and it got flagged because he tried to monetize it, now he uploaded footage of Mario Party…