
Yeah, I missed the joke entirely because I also just read it as $5,432!

Yeah, they intrigue me. They look AWESOME in the upclose photo but I don’t like how it looks on the car in the full photo of the R8.

I’m normally not one to think twice about these sort of things, but for MONTHS this specific line in the commercial has bugged me. Comparing a 500hp and a 350hp car? Sure, makes sense. Comparing a 160hp and a 190hp? Also makes sense. 467 and 423 - why?!?!

Am I wrong?

It’ll be helpful when you need to pull the engine for its next oil change.

The little jump the dog makes when Getzlaf picks up the puck is the easily best part of the video.

Playing Devil’s advocate here, how do you feel about software or computers that you purchase?

That seems like less of a deterant than a box of spiders.

I love the barrage of serious responses this comment generated.

IIRC the bow wave is the point of greatest resistance and drag (or whatever the aquatic equivalent of drag is called) so going through the bow wave would slow you down more than if you stayed in the pocket behind it.

but the Google Pixel will work just fine!

but the Google Pixel will work just fine!

2007: Announced plans for a new NSX to be released by 2010

I still wish they used the design of the HSV as the new NSX

Is there a way to get all posts here with the images normally sized like it is in this post, rather than having to expand every thumbnail?

Where I go (a local korean supermarket), it is on a fridge shelf in a plastic tub near the tofu.

FWIW, before he was traded to the Kings his gameplan with the Raps was iso & long jumper regardless of the time or situation.

That, and it is also giving some more time for the batters to get familiar with the pitcher.

Yeah, if he was trying to be half Dent I would’ve expected to see Joker on the left side and the scarred Dent on the right side, rather than the unscarred Dent on the left....

Commenters here:

For the base 4 cylinder. The 268hp V6 is 6 & under which is quite good...