earl by god morrall

He threatened to kill Wes Welker when Welker refused to help him with the projector during Hernandez’s rookie year. Welker quickly entered the witness protection program and relocated to Denver under the protection of special agent Aqib Talib who has busted a few caps as well.

Was it a father/daughter camping trip to Victoria’s Secret or something?

This might solve the problem. Trapped. One of my favorite movies from the 70's

How much does the government spend on your uncle?

I keep hoping this is the last gasp of the single issue racist voters in America. But you can’t be white in East Tennessee and not hear another white person use the N word at least once and most days more times than that. They think because you’re white, you automatically agree. That’s how ingrained the shit here and

The low life scum, redneck, willfully ignorant, phony Christians that they are accused Obama of so many immoral false hoods and then excused every single one of Trumputin’s factual immoral acts and words. The dumbest people in the class room have taken over.

I’m still painfully awaiting the Ted Nugent appointment

No shit. Most of the media mother fuckers outside a few at MSNBC still won’t admit that invading Iraq was a bad idea. And that shit was such a painful example of access over-riding responsibility that I thought maybe a few alleged journalists would stop that shit. But no, image and access is more important and that

as shitty as the walk was though, there were no steel bars blocking your path. lucky you

How do they convince young people to stay in Iowa? I thought North Dakota was a fucked up place with all the fracking, oil drilling and what not attracting every low life drifter, unemployed carnie, and Trump voter in the midwest, but really, why stay in Iowa? Is South Dakota the no mans land and North Dakota the

You sound like a man with an outbuilding in your back yard.

The third one from the left, #11 with the desecrated American flag get up looks like they just told her Trump picked her out from last months Russian girls need American husbands catalog and her pimp already cashed his check.

LeBron only came back due the enticement and excitement of getting to play one on five in the finals two years ago. The spirit of competition. No where else but Cleveland could offer such a competitive situation. Just look at how the clown car convention in Cleveland worked out for the Deplorablicans and their new

Thank You. Johnny Cochran to the rescue.

Back in the day, we bought a newly built house in a subdivision that had been a huge cow pasture. there were no trees. none. So each Christmas, Dad bought a live Christmas Tree, a big bushy motherfucker that took two men, no kids, to haul indoors and then later back outdoors. We would plant that bad boy every year for

Luckily he is smart and strong enough to not direct his anger towards people not responsible for it. Unlike the Sandy Hook shooter, this stupid bitch, and Trump voters. That is a skill that most Americans need these days. It’s so fucking hard not to take shit out on the wrong people sometimes. But if you just take an

......and tries to refinance the single wide every month. Trump will fix it so she can. On a 30 year term, 6 month ARM starting out at 9.99% with no lifetime cap and a five year prepayment penalty to get $2500 cash out. Sounds like a pretty good deal, don’t it? W and Laura are thinking about refinancing the ranch that

Come check out any East Tennessee convenience store. You’ll see Trump voter after Trump voter buying cigarettes, energy drinks, and lottery tickets with disability checks. They hang out scratching off the $20 losing tickets waiting for their pills to kick in so they can go home and crash. Some actually work part time

The damn Government wouldn’t let her buy any more find a word puzzle books with her EBT card, so she started checking out Trump and Alex Jones on her free cell phone.

The Judge made her remove her Trump hat in the courtroom. She and most rural Trump voters are too fucking dumb to realize they are the untermenschen who Trump will deliver the final economic dagger to by letting the Deplorablicans remove the social safety net. She better get up out of that chair and get a job. Arbeit