earl by god morrall

why not pay to put the best running back behind the best line? they have the home field right now through playoffs. they couldn’t have done any better with any other strategy.

That’s because you did the equivalent of running a stop sign and then engaged in such egregious cover ups that you ended up with hard time for the cover up and not the misdemeanor. It was Nixonesque. Don’t blame the league.

You’re moving in the wrong direction. get creative.

Fake Worst is an awesome name. Shows much more skill than you calling my shit pretty dumb. That sounds like a sixth grader who is afraid to cuss or hasn’t learned yet.

Because he is one of the best recruiters and QB coaches in the nation. Our man Botch Jonesin’ and his pool cleaner OC who has to show up 4 hours early to the game to memorize the plays, Mite Duh Bored can only recruit 3 stars and fucks up when it counts the most. The violations were minor and had no affect.

do you allege that the NFL brass is conspiring to keep the Patriots down? Sounds Trumpian, like the persecuted white man myth.

He only jumped because the fucking moron, dumbest AD in the whole world wide history of ADs was too fucking dumb to see what any half interested sports fan could. That Pete Carroll was leaving USC and they would come looking for Kiffin with sacks of treasure. We could have paid to keep him, but the fool AD, Mike

He had a pretty good year with the Big Orange here on Rockkky Trump. Played Bama very very close. Went to a bowl game. Everyone here was into it before he left. We are some grudge holding Trump voters though, so he’ll probably never be asked back. I’m a little different. I can let go of a grudge eventually, am

That sucks. Swimming has always been big and treated well at Tennessee. Meaning it gets cash. The SEC schools recruit Florida hard in swimming.

And that’s the problem. You think they treat the women athletes as second class citizens now? Wait till the softball, volleyball, and basketball players on teams subtracting 6 zeros from the AD budget and attracting dozens of fans and hundreds of booster dollars start cashing checks.

Don’t mind that big hairy monster in the shower, kiddies

Fake Worst in the same conference is selling their plays for cash:

start yelling jump next time. like I’ll do on Wall St next time the market crashes.

there you go. toss your daffy duck float in first and then follow it 2o feet down.

Maybe one for one day. You might be happy about saving a life on Monday, just a little relieved to save another on Tuesday. Melancholy about the life saved Wednesday, but by Thursday on the way home, you’d run that motherfucker over yourself.

fun fact. give it a shot. what part looks like 40 feet?

Wow. Jack Black and Will Ferrell in the same movie? must really be a good one.

For when the Chinese pull a Pearl Harbor on us because Prezident Donald Fredovich Trumputin fucks with them so bad at the Russians behest? And of course it will be a surprise attack because the CIC doesn’t bother with intelligence briefings kinda like what happened prior to 9-11.

I will keep an eye out. He looks to be a true receiver also. Thanks for the tip. Watch me win my league in 2018 when Janarion takes about 4-5 kicks and punts back

The dumbest, flat out dumbest motherfuckers on the planet work for Comcast. At least you can claim former status. Repairing electric lines in bad weather is laudable and admirable. Getting the cable or internet back on isn’t. Comcast and the other oligarchies operate in markets where the only choice is their shitty