Thanks for your vote Price, but what has Hillary lied about?
Thanks for your vote Price, but what has Hillary lied about?
kick some ass Roy, maybe the best of all fuck with Trump posts with as few words as possible.
hisself, correct spelling also.
When Ivanka tweets about her old daddy tucking her in at night or taking her to the Purity Ball when she was a little girl, his twitter handle is @chesterthemoLester. Maybe that’s what had The Donzi Scheme Victims so confused.
Don’t tell nobody, but I had a Reagan poster in my dorm room in 1980. I was all fucked up.
Ryan Tannhill was a mediocre receiver at Texas Scam. He only made it to the NFL by following his mentor Mike Sherman from Texas Scam to Miami. Sherman is now the HBC at Nauset Regional High School in Massachusetts, enrollment 1103.
She was in Playboy twice. You know The Donzi Scheme has those issues stashed under his bed. Every time Malaria gets up early to go shopping, he breaks those bad boys out. Is there anything on earth more disgusting then those crusty pages? Malaria knows they are there. She allows them to stay because of how convenient…
you did. you just stopped too soon. keep going.
You are on to something there. You know The Donzi Scheme has watched Ivanka sleep most every night. All through the night, until the dewy dawn chases the darkness and her slumber away. heh, heh....heh, heh, heh.................he a he a he.....heh, heh.
Who taught Trump to say........? Why, the answer is very simple. If I sent you every tweet that The Donzi Scheme has ever twerted but substituted Sarah P for Donald J. Trump in the heading you would believe what you see and read. The Donzi Scheme speaks in the exact same way Palin does except maybe a little meaner and…
Google won’t tell me, I don’t think it likes me this morning. JEB? hasn’t endorsed the Donzi Scheme yet has he? Small taters whether he has or not. The two or three voters who will swing their votes accordingly are too busy with their reverse mortgage counseling to fuck with it anyway. So now we await the much coveted…
Schilling will take up the topic again when he meets Sarah Palin at the reTrumplican Club, a tacky allegedly upscale bar featuring Chris Christie as Maitre d’ and Ben Carson behind the bar. John Boehner is passed out at the far end of the bar, face down in his own spittle, a smoldering cigarette butt close to but not…
Wrecks may not be the best HBC but he will get hired as someones DC quickly after the Pills let him go. Also, he might fuck your team up as HBC, but Wrecks is probably a blast to hang out with drunk.
Halftime score last Saturday: Gators 21 Vols 3
I haven’t seen any meerkat murders for that reason, but they show that shit 5 or 6 times a day on Snapped and Discovery ID about humans.
It’s spelled JEB?. I fixed that for you.
The goddamned architect fucked up the building plans, the union concrete was to weak to ever set, the Japanese steel beams were rusted out, the dry wall had Chinese poison in it, the lazy Mexican roofers made the roof leak, the costs were over budget because the fat pig secretaries ate too much catered food, the…
And the Retrumplican’ts want to not only control the moderator but select the moderator. That’s like the team that loses game one of the World Series bringing their own umps to game two. Wonder how that would work out?
like corn shucking? all goddamn day long. male and female. where ever you look. miles and miles in any direction. you cannot escape it. if you try you’ll just find it is even worse in Iowa or Kansas. You just have to wait for the next blizzard to make your getaway.
Daub him with Santorum, nightly.