Chad Snowe-Flaque

Ayanna, fix my legislation!

My complexion, in the words of a former colleague, is "fish belly white," and I live for that magical time on Friday evenings when you bullyrag my skinfolk. You are doing an absolute service to humanity.

I hate death.

The culture and society demand that children or developing adults be men and women, when often they are still finding themselves as people romantically, creatively, emotionally.

Pretty much.

I laughed because I just had a student ask me for a letter of rec. and I replied: “you haven’t been to office hours all semester, and you almost never speak in class. What could I possibly say about you that would be helpful?”

You must not be including a big enough check with your request, my friend.

Any time I hear someone was arrested for resisting arrest I know that the arrest was bullshit. Resisting arrest if a cya charge that tells you that the person was arrested for no reason and the cops had to make something up.

I hope he gets a damn good lawyer, because this is gotdamn ridiculous. 

Love it when a well-written article with tons of references to back up its central tenets is criticized by some racist jackhole with a burner account and a hot take. And nothing else.

To be clear, the police department had access to this video for more than a year.

Yet, in every conversation about race and its implications, someone will cite the “My grandfather came here with 10 cents in his pocket and with hard work, he made it!” myth!

You write good stuff. 

This is so sad and infuriating.

Why limit it to Colburn? All those “Fox and Friends” propagandists should do so. 

I think Colburn should do an on-air demonstration, to show how safe and tasty it is.

perfect reply.

Exactly. If you’re a “good guy with a gun” and you’re white, you won’t get shot. Also, if you’re a “bad guy with a gun” and you’re white, you won’t get shot.

They were lynching black troops after WWII. The only color they see is black.

Of course, the trigger-happy cops saw a brother with a gun and took him out. The only thing shocking to me is that they came back so soon and admitted they fucked up. Usually, they would cover it up and try to pin the shooting on this dearly departed veteran.