Chad Snowe-Flaque

It is also more nutritious than sawdust.

Karen Blixen’s story WAS problematic.

*snort* You’re right. You’ve got me pegged. Bless your heart.

I received plenty from my classical liberal education, including the fact that actual, historically documented (and currently persistent) social constructs aren’t “personal prejudice.” They’re just facts, available to you at any library or with a quick Google.

fwiw - A work can be both of the following...
1. well constructed and moving within its framework
2. morally fraught or ‘problematic’ b/c of its implicit acceptance of an oppressive colonial context

These things are not mutually exclusive. A classically liberal education isn’t worth its salt if it hasn’t taught you how

You’re right, my Sarah Lawrence writing degree is entirely inadequate. Meanwhile, you realize you’re argument is with Quartzy’s quote, and not even me, right? And that one can both be marginalized and oppressive, simultaneously?

Leaving aside its use by African Americans, (none of my business that) that word? We of white skin don’t get to say it. Ever. And it pisses me off that some who look like me do not get that.  

Pen name: Isak Dinesen. Also, I suspect you genuinely consider yourself an “ally.”

You don’t get to label yourself an ally, sis. We will let you know when we feel like you are truly our ally.

It’s a lot

Also, being black is not an affliction. We are subject to mistreatment because of our skin color, but our skin color is not the problem. Racism is.

Great writing Monique.

This whole article is racist. Calling out the person calling out a remark as racist for calling out a woman’s racist remarks (when will black people realize ALL lives matter, and that includes BLUE lives matter!) over an obvious race baiting post on Facebook to imply that a school district hired only white officers

Peak white fragility 

Actually, yes. They are Übermenschen, to be worshiped and genuflected to; we mere civilians couldn’t possibly understand how special they are and how grateful we should be to them.

Oh, this is an old tactic: When you call out the problem YOU become the problem. Women who call out sexual predators are ‘trouble makers’. Minorities who call out racism are ‘race baiters’. LGBTQ folks who call for equal treatment under the law and an end to discrimination are ‘attacking our way of life’. I could go

Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh—men who have never experienced any real disappointment or struggle or pain and are openly hostile towards and mocking of those who have—I just want those motherfuckers to lose.

If you don’t believe Blasey-Ford*; and I can agree there are a lot of things that will never be definitively proven given the passage of time, Kavanaugh is still an intemperate, partisan who’s apparently made a list of untrue statements, always in his own interests.

And I like you.