C smooth

My first job after college was working on a locked, in-patient, psychiatric facility in a major city. We were a short-term place for people who were deemed to be a danger to themselves or others.

You know it.

No no no, that’s not how Giztaku rolls.

Nah. Ryu lives only for the fight. I doubt he’s ever had sex or cared to. And to the extent that he’s ever shown interest in anyone sexually, it’s been with Chun-Li. And Ken? He seems perfectly happy to have sex with his smoking hot wife, Eliza. You know, the one he has a son with? His name’s Mel, by the way.

Somebody is a pissy Sony fanboi. Guess who it is? 


Oh, you only wish it was aggravating people

I’m not 11

You know, this perspective kinda perplexes me. I mean, I guess it doesn’t really, because people will go to great lengths to defend their decisions, but are there really PS4 owners who only play PS4 exclusives? Sony has more than the others, but I wouldn’t call it a “vast library of first party titles”. There are way

Are you talking about the two that are better than anything the PS4 has out at the moment? 

I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over how much better BotW and Mario Odyssey are than anything on the PS4. 

Sony came out fast thanks to missteps by MS. And, yes, they have thus far had much better exclusives than MS. This nonsense you made up about openness with PC has nothing to do with any of this. Their continued unwillingness to work with anything is slowly but surely starting to aggravate their fans.

You do know that Sony also sell PC’s and has a very large market for it,right? They’re not going to deny their fans with Sony brand technology those same, and well known exclusives, But I guess you didn’t consider that just like you didn’t look at the fact that this openness to branding has helped Sony outsell Xbox 2

Two topics that have nothing to do with each other. Pretty cool, guy.

Good boy. Sony is very proud of you. Now please go back into your shed until they need you again.

Nioh is on PC for sure...maybe bloodborne too?

You could say the same about Nintendo, except they actually allow cross-play.

If I made a cartoon character which was yellow, with narrowed eyes and rabbit teeth, that wouldn’t be okay. It would be very reminiscent of racist anti-Japanese imagery from the last century. I could say, “That’s just the colour I chose! And the eye shape! And that’s just the way I drew its mouth!”, but my intentions

“You know what’s actually racist? Seeing every black thing as an effigy of a black man.”

I mean, it’s goofy looking black thing with big lips. Which was the exact representation for defining lack people in art for a long time. Even Japanese cartoons did it for a while. And if your an international brand, the last thing

Echoes of Oil Man, too, from Rockman Powered Up. Seems like this is a lesson that needs to keep being learned. (Not to point fingers, as we in the US still haven’t learned the lessons of not killing, incarcerating, and disenfranchising people of color, on top of also engaging in shitty media representation of them, to