What seriously when did that happen.... I used to enjoy flaunting my little Shazam knowledge with hey u know that’s not his name right —- 30plus year old here who don’t read comics often
What seriously when did that happen.... I used to enjoy flaunting my little Shazam knowledge with hey u know that’s not his name right —- 30plus year old here who don’t read comics often
That sound terrible
Yea I too was seriously hoping for at least two super moves this year with the move from last year plus a new one but from wha I hear we not so lucky just the one and u better like it 😒
Shit sorry for spoiler
U just made me wonder will Dc call him Captain marvel in the movies wit a ms marvel movie coming
It’s the same plot point in civil war and guardians of the galaxy 2 soooooo ....
My only concern is that everyone only has one special move. In the fight you had online you pulled out the flash special twice . That can get old quick. I miss the day of multiple specials or finishers
So people can make t2 but I can’t make a fat character or a jacked muscle head ..
His first 3 paragraphs are all bout Messi or Barca
This article Is really a secret Messi stroke job
They don’t have the same tattoos. I feel like this is quite easy to figure out
They don’t got to worry bout it they get free lifetime health care
It pays good because it’s double money right now. They always release new modes under double money. I rather play the contact missions right now until it’s double money expires
Best bet for the music if you are on Xbox, turn the music volume all the way down than get YouTube background app or pandora they play while your are playing
So true very rarely does a female character look “good”
If I find a good group and do what you want or find fun instead of just grinding double money events things start to work out better
Is there a way to save the police uniform now ?
My boy jus accidentally got the black dufflebag from The heist on his character last month. He saved it and it’s his regular look now
You and me both
I would counter that and say it’s a game about killing and getting money to further buy your character cool shit