C smooth

No “only on Scorpio” trailer bc they went out their way to make sure regular Xbox one owners don't feel like they are being left behind

You forgot Leslie Odom Jr. won also

While in the two recent 2k my create a character face was horrible I enjoyed being the previous versions over the spike lee version solely on being able to select my nick name . I didn’t care I wasn’t the same race as my twin.

He looks like the main character from

Um who cares if it looks awesome

And we thought nfl pre law suit was cold blooded

For me this weekend will include jumping back into elite dangerous and witcher 3 .

Counter point ... 1) “Um why not” and the classic “because”

Deadpool game didn't really do it for me

While the league is tilted to pay barca and Real Madrid more than anyone else in la liga ; atheltico Madrid were undefeated against real this year

Well it would have been either nothing or some crap shitting on Real Madrid.

I were almost right

Why would they ever drop a single player dlc when all I read they are making so much money off micro transactions

“In a world where we want $60 upfront and where we expect people to stay with us over a long time, the depth of what we offer is important.”

There is only one other team in the world at real / barca levels and it's Munich. But if you ranking atheltico in the world where you putting them? Number 4 or 5 at worst depending on where you view psg.

I would argue three teams as atheltico have been a world class team for past 3 seasons at least

Animus looks too matrix-ish. Does it need to be a tentacle computer thing. Why can't it just be un like a table thing like in the game idk. Second why is he a executed prisoner ?!?

No that rule has been changed so not to punish a successful league after that season you mentioned as seen with the Spanish league recently

Lmao those defenders look like what happens when my girl attempt to play Fifa . Lost of running sort of the right way until she smashes the slide tackle button a million times