While all those names are great . To me Kobe is a top 5 greatest laker while everyone from 1 thru all the names are a very tight margin
While all those names are great . To me Kobe is a top 5 greatest laker while everyone from 1 thru all the names are a very tight margin
Hahaha second season!!! Shit full length movies have been made quicker than this
Finally an anime game on Xbox !!!!!! Thank you video game gods !!! I know we got naruto and Dbz but nothing else
So is this basically like the first Thor movie bad for iron man 3 bad ?
Not disagreeing with your point but honestly fast and the furious and transformers have made entire franchises, sadly, off just visuals
People keep referring to the looters and rioters as poor people but they live in midtown Manhattan. That’s 2,000 a month studio territory. And that is being modest. Also if u see their jobs in the echoes they have careers like “stock broker” I don’t think if we met a stranger who said they worked in that field our…
Kirk do a story about the agent origin content not being delivered to customers
I know the game mentions a few times via radio show or maybe it was something else . That the rank and file inmate at rikers just returned home after escaping Rikers. While the worst of the worst . The insane murders and rapist United to be the Rikers we see. They also go out their way to show them kill the joint task…
Can anyone answer me why my side missions completed with my friends didn’t give me credit on my game ? We did one mission together than he made me team leader and we completed every side mission in kips bay. Only for me me to come on later by myself and see almost all those missions still showing incomplete.
I want them to bring Lego Harry Potter and red dead redemption to be backward compatible . My wife and kids love Lego potter and it was the only good potter game . And I need any red dead new old I don't care
Didn't barca just come off a transfer ban and isn't real and atheltico about to begin a transfer ban . Florintino is secretly tryin to see how much they let him fuck Real Madrid lol
Psg gonna walk past man city in their match up
He put on a show !!!
Everyone making excuses for the Spurs . They gave up bc they knew they weren’t going to beat dorthmund. It’s like the nba Spurs when they sit out Tim Duncan vs the Warriors . It skin da a back handed way to say “we didn’t try to win” rather than say we got our asses kicked
I don’t think his weight has anything to do with it. Or if he was or was not an athlete. Look at Skip or Steve A or Greenberg , wilbon , etc
He definitely did build something for himself out of it . I agree just say Lebrons camp tells me and followed by wha ever he spitting out his jowls. Someone said (swizzle-mud it)that windhorst has been critical of Lebron and used his comments about how Lebron would call plays or that Lebron didn’t like Blatt which he…
He might not be giving him exclusives, and yes it was an interesting read thanks, but he is the properganda division of Lebron and his teams. Lebron might not come and sit and give a full interview about his feelings toward team mates but those who go back to Windhorst(my opinion) are doing so with lebrons permission…
Can we agree Windhorst is basically lebrons unofficial media mouth piece at this point. I feel like all he reports on are Lebron and what ever team he is on.
In that wwe2k u could deselect it like you said u could do in ufc but menu screens and loading still have it
Put on last years wwe2k game that was promoted as the soundtrack by John cena. That soundtrack has 8 songs that all sucked and played all the damn time it was the cause of me selling the game before dlc could come out