C smooth

Oh the memories of budding lifetime friendships lol

This is like when the varsity football coach would sick them on the freshman team. ( I been on both sides of this durring hs) and just beat the crap out of them for 45 mins. Supposedly it was to toughen up the freshman but that was bs

No not that part of it.

In open play where u kinda Rpg your way around nope. When u first log in you will start at the same port as all newbies so u might run into one but once u start exploring get yourself a laptop and put some Netflix on cuz u on a long car ride . And I’m a huge fan and enjoy this game but shit it needs some help

I came down to the comment section curious about this also. I never see anything close to this many players live together . Shit I go days playing without running into anyone who is a real person . I have no groups or anything in just a guy who gave a game a shot. But it’s lonely out there in space and this is the

Sooo what your saying is the chick having her tits and ass hanging out is ok but she smacks her own ass and its too far

Yankee stadium not built to walk around or chill somewhere and watch it ( unless you count them stupid tvs and than whas the point of being there) believe it or not citi field is way more fan friendly for shit like that

New Yankee stadium has to many built in preventions to make sure your not walking around and enjoying the game like that or watching it from some where else . They have all these bs privacy walls set up

The bloods

Wait since when Arsenal considered world class studs

Take out the whole second paragraph.

No it’s definitely the Cowboys. A team that was a winner and a power house who every one of their fans will preach a gospel of “their division is the toughest in the sport” and claim they will be champs every year.

The Spurs , even thought they are trying to be portrayed differently are just a minor league feeder team for bigger team. Modric Bale they set the tone recently and while the Spurs have kept Kane I believe it's solely to not have the rep of losing their best player every year or so

Yea me and my friends always get into such one sided ass whipping that leaves one of us dead on the floor for the count... Oh wait that was in street fighter never mind

Changes the goalie skill level and if whom ever you were playing is terrible at Fifa

Offsides don’t work based on if the attacker is past defender when he receives pass it’s based on when ball comes off passer foot ( Marcelo) and ur photo doesn’t show him it shows after pass came off and is like 5 yards from Ronaldo when Marcelo Is at center line. So can't tell in ur photo

Ummm up the difficulty bro unless your 6 than good job

Ray .... Is that you

So if u purchased the game at release 2k just want you to know ur stupid and they don't care about you so pay up for dlc

I want a new or even ported jet set radio sooooo bad. I gave sunset overdrive a shot bc I was hoping that would be it for me but idk it didn't hit that mark for what I want . Just give me jet set