C smooth

no epl does make my list but you add psg juve and Napoli and besides that no one else is relevant Dortmund def doesn’t make my list on top of the 8 or so already mentioned . you didn’t mention one epl team u thought was ranked higher than athleti . Jus curious where u stand on that ? I find a lot of people saying epl

All leagues are viewed like winning a division title now it’s all about winning the champions league . Bc a team wins the epl doesn’t make them world beaters or a top team in the world and Chelsea did win in a bad year at epl so what ? Chelsea the only epl team that seems to care to compete U can disagree with me but

I thought I did say psg

They have been recently . They won la liga they should have won the champions league the same year. Prior to that they won the Europa. They have been in the knockout stage and that’s something most epl team can’t say recently. Also they are ranked one of the top teams right now behind mega powers like Barca, Bayern,

Their next two games will decide it. They got Arsenal and man city than end with Man U and Chelsea

If they do win and get paid I can see them as the English atheltico. It seems popular for the young stars not to make the traditional jump to mega powers recently in England. Man united is begging for an English star to come over . I hope they run the Table and become a contender and not just instantly cut apart for a

As long as they take the course it's all good 😎

Right after the Paris incident I went for an interview with the yankees for a side job(I’m NYS law enforcement ) they basically said without saying they wanted to hire cops so they can say they have top trained security while most of the team was as they put it “kids who took a 8 hr course” they were just mostly large

Krypton is not a planet and the long live wu tang had me lol

Sooo payday or gta ish

Idk wha cbs was expecting he was exactly the same as a ref and I would shiver when I saw he was in charge of a game I cared about. He was wrong in a lot of people (including mine) minds a lot and now he just verbally adding more fuel to the fire when he gives his reason and everyone else sees he is wrong. Ok I get it

That's an ad

Thank you for the clarification

Is the new outfits the “ new heroes”

The skins are not the 4 new heroes and villains is it ?

Free ?!? Ok I like free . I guess I gotta put out the pitch fork. still sucks I gotta wait a year for the Death Star

So 50 dollars for New maps and new skin for Luke and Han ?!?