
Oh man, are you me? I got in trouble for all the same reading-related stuff in school. I remember we were assigned “Johnny Tremain” once, and we were supposed to keep a log of how many pages we read per day. My log looked like this:

Because nothing says “family values” like ensuring that a baby has no recourse to food or citizenship...

My brother’s 6th grade science teacher apparently told the class that blood type wasn’t genetic. It really is amazing.

My kids teacher called him a liar for saying his grandfather was born 11' below sea level in the Netherlands. Unfortunately I didn’t have immediate access to the family photo that showed the family on the street in front of their home with a dike wall in the background with a boat sailng by over their heads. She

Things I got in trouble for in elementary school include:

In elementary school I got reprimanded for insisting that the moon is a satellite. My mother came to school the next day. In MvC terms, ive always thought of my parents as the assist super. lol

I once had a teacher who, while teaching a short story about South Africa, insisted that the United Kingdom had nothing to do with the colonization of South Africa and was never involved there politically.

Nah, have it, because pregnancy and childbirth is easy and never complicates life, health, jobs, etc. Then, give it up at birth to a nice Christian couple. (Unless you’re black - then, just get an abortion - we won’t even holler at you when you’re walking to the door*)

Once I got in trouble (at daycare, not school) for teaching the other kids the meaning of the word “epidermis”. When my mom showed up the aide whispered to my mom what I had said and my mom had to explain to her that it’s not a dirty word.

Unrelated to the topic at hand, but my brother got sent to the principal’s office for insisting that dry ice was frozen carbon dioxide, not, as the teacher would have them believe, water ice cubes that had been wiped down with a paper towel.

They want to go back to the good ole days when single unwed mothers left their newborns on a hillside to die of exposure be kidnapped by fairies.

One my friends got a F for an essay because “she couldn’t have possibly written it herself”. This friend worked for the school newspaper. If the teacher could’ve been bothered to ask our former teacher she could’ve easily learned that that was her usual writing style. In the next essay my friend’s writing was deemed

It amazes me how dumb teachers sometimes are. I’m still mad at my Kindergarten teacher who told me there was no such place as Iceland, that I made it up, and at my Junior High teacher who marked down my essay for being factually incorrect when I said there were two female Justices (O’Connor and Ginsburg were both on

So, if you get raped by a stranger, don’t abort the baby because that’s bad, but we won’t acknowledge its existence when it’s born, either.

So only a woman who is assaulted by every man she encounters should be wary of future encounters with men? Do you think it would be irrational to install an alarm on your home after you have been burglarized and the perpetrator incarcerated. The person who did it is in jail so you shouldn’t have any reason to think

Yeah... if your odds in life, due to your gender/sex, of being raped or otherwise sexually assaulted, or of being beaten up, etc, by the very gender/sex you are oriented to be attracted to and must interact with in order to find a loving and trustworthy partner, are something like 1 in 5, or 1 in 10, or hell, even 1

You’re absolutely right.

She never said all men. She said “men around the world”. This implies a plural number of men. “Men” could reference as little as two men, depending on the context. It does not imply all. Do you not grasp qualifiers in language, or something? Just because she didn’t use “some” to spare your precious male insecurities,

You didn’t contradict my opinion. You insinuated that I don’t deserve romantic love, and stated that I was rendering ALL men around the world equally culpable for the widespread rape and abuse of women, like the crimes committed in the article above.

Each region within a country has its own unique ecosystem of

I remember being very upset when I was 3 years old because my parents wouldn't let me be an eyebrow for Halloween.