
Surface gravity depends on mass and radius. The recent "mega"-Earth that was discovered is 17 times more massive than Earth but its surface gravity would only be 3 g's. I doubt that the gravity on Kapteyn-b is above 1.5 g's, which would be uncomfortable, but not unlivable.

We can map gas and dust distribution on the far side of the galaxy using infrared and other wavelengths. Presuming that matter distributes itself the same on one side of our galaxy as the other it's not that hard to then extrapolate a rough star distribution for the far side.

The qualification is a language that is dominant in areas beyond its home nation. No Chinese language is spoken widely outside China and even within China there are many mutually exclusive languages/dialects. Korea is a bit of stretch I admit.

It's not that the solar winds negate each other, but that the stars slow and synchronize each other's spins so that they each give off less radiation. And not all gas giants have huge radiation belts; move Saturn into the habitable zone and Titan would suddenly become a much more interesting moon.

As long as the planet is further than 2-4 times the distance of the binary pair then orbiting its center of gravity would be essentially no different than orbiting a single larger star sitting at the same center of gravity. There's no reason to presume that a circumbinary planet must have a highly eccentric orbit or

Morality seems to be a bridge between the instincts and the intellect: it has the insistent/compulsive nature of an instinct but always tries to justify itself in rational terms.

Nietzsche beat them to this by over a century:

Does your idea of an "environmental rally" include shrapnel bombs, rifles, knives, and bear spray?

This report is not going to change anyone's mind on either side of the fence: we've been told for years that the science is settled, coming out and saying it's "even more settled now" is simply preaching "even more" to the choir.

I wonder what he makes of magnetic pole reversal...