
On the other hand, I feel like one of them could bait him into that third strike.

Your repeating a disproved lie.

That’s an odd reference in relation to Alex Jones. Sure, burn the fucker down, but don’t equate him with libraries.

“set the record straight”

No. Fuck you. If you get cheated on, you cry, you berate, you shame, whatever, but you don’t destroy someone else’s property.

Anyone who thinks vandalism and property damage is an appropriate response to infidelity deserves to be cheated on.

Keying a car is a chicken shit move. If you have a problem with someone, have it out face to face. If you have a problem with a stranger’s vehicle, leave a note with your phone number.

Not a wrap. The Avio editions were all painted in non-glossy paint. And above all, fuck anyone for screwing with someone elses car.

I don’t know what you have on your car, or what paint color or wheel choice you made, but I doubt you’d appreciate it if a random assclown decided it was “played out” and you deserved to have your car damaged.

LimonChello claims it was all a misunderstanding. Occidental, if you will...