Second, all 4 teams Philadelphia fan...
I appreciate the turn to understanding sports fandom but texting your friend about how much sports suck...while your vet buddy was enjoying themselves...is lame. You probably use the term ‘sportsball’ ironically too. Let people enjoy what they want without judgement.
people who drop their regional teams in favor of teams who are actually performing are what are known as bandwagon fans. and they are scum. actual fans will stick with their team in hopes of one year they turn it all around
The problem is that you still don’t really get what sports fandom is. You root for a team because it’s YOUR team, and it will always be YOUR team.
I winced when I read you visited The 13th Step.
This is sheer fantasy. Neither will cities and states stop competing “for jobs” nor will the federal government step in to try to enforce unionization. The former would be an abridgement of states’ rights technically impermissible by our Constitution. The latter is arguably unconstitutional as an abridgement of free…
Yes, but the news that Snoke could do it was a huge surprise to Kylo, and Snoke’s use of the Force seems to be off the charts from anything we’ve seen anyone else do in the Star Wars Universe. He was Force pushing and pulling Hux all over the bridge of his ship from lightyears away. He was smacking around two powerful…
Just like Elvis.
I guarantee you that anyone who knows what “Legends” and “EU” mean with regards to Star Wars knows darn well that everything in “Legends” that hasn’t been explicitly contradicted by a canon work (like Han and Leia having a son named Jacen) is fair game for use in canon, and that any claims that all the weird, wild,…
Eh, I never had a problem with the film’s internal logic regarding Force holograms. I just thought the reveal of Luke not physically being there killed all the tension from what was otherwise a great sequence. That being said, everyone is making way too big a deal over this movie.
The expectation in this case is more like, “If you’re going to be a douchebag, at least be right.” It doesn’t seem that unreasonable.
No, but earlier in the film, when Kylo thinks that Rey’s using that ability to project herself into the medical bay where they’re pulling out his stitches, he says something like “You can’t be doing this, the effort would kill you.” So I’m guessing projecting yourself across the galaxy is really hard.
What if you expect people to accept something fantastical in a fantasy movie?
Could we just flip through that Far Side book instead?
Boomers are simultaneously old people and spoiled brats?
Man-babies. Important distinction: They have no intention of ever growing up.
The Star Wars movies are now officially for old people