
I thought he would have pulled a Hotblack Desiato and gone up there to enter suspended animation so he could avoid any remaining income taxes he might have to pay.

Well, count me absolutely in for the comparo. Changli really ought to send suitcases (maybe zip locs?) full of cash to Torch to make this happen. I want Sandy Munro weighing in on the changes, too.

Yea that’s not how weapons work. In practice and in the eyes of the court room. For civilians.

Well... I know what I’m doing all day now.

I really want to get in to general aviation and struggle to believe it too. How are we still there, with all we know, and with so many attempts supposedly taken to create a better fuel?

That radiator mishap sounds incredibly painful.  Bet you’ll be sure to wear a shirt while wrenching from now on.

 Next on 2020 Bingo Card: Yellowstone Caldera erupts. Thanks, netloco. 

It’s even dumber VW didn’t make their diesel cars compatible with the larger nozzles. 

Dam people, lighten the F**k up!

We’re all going crazy in quarantine, but add that crazy on top of normal Torchinsky crazy and you get... well, this.

Grouse (Grouses? Grousi?)

I mean, I get it. But also, how else do you test something with this many variables? Tesla's phrasing needs to be clearer. But this is a great way to get the data they need.

Feature Complete” is a pretty common statement in video games or software development.

We can only assume Subaru has no more FUCKS to give at this point.

If the replicators can make any type of liquor in the known universe, why do the ships’ lounges need bartenders?

What stops someone from doing that?  Common courtesy.

An overlooked detail in the Trek universe was the lack of bathrooms. They had showers, but no toilets. Answer - transporter technology emptying the bladder and bowels on a continuous basis. It also explains how they maintain their excellent abs. Instead of binge and purge, it’s binge and beam.

An array of flairs before that.”

Case in point. A lot of people said they got the 9-2X cheaper than the WRX (even though most of those people did not work for GM and were not eligible for internal discounts), and was also slightly more luxurious to boot.

I’ll do you one better for obscurity. There is a precursor to the 9-4X, believe it or not.