I’m sure Italian Americans in general and the council member in specific wouldn’t let you near theirs with a ten foot pole. And return the sentiment in spades.
I’m sure Italian Americans in general and the council member in specific wouldn’t let you near theirs with a ten foot pole. And return the sentiment in spades.
Nonono, it’s ok guys— It’s not racist because all the stereotypes and caricatures are about white people! WHEW - good thing, imagine the backlash otherwise! Now this is privilege.
Would it be okay for a white, asian, jewish, or latin person to have a blog about ridiculing black stereotypes?? — No? Correct. So fuck you.
Maybe grow balls enough to admit that real humans don’t do this to each other.
Can someone please write this from a white persons perspective? OH wait right, we can’t because that’s racist right? #doublestandard
ah, the inevitable return to idiotic leftist on leftist violence. Its the right’s greatest and most dependable ally.
I don’t get it, how does a middle-aged dude so perfectly emulate a nasty cliquey Regina George highschool girl’s attitude with some extra racism? Good for you I guess, you found a way to get paid to act like a literal child.
Umm...how is this NOT racist?
Someone should make a list of the different types of Tyrone exist and see how that plays out.
The Root started with promise. Now it seems to be nothing more than white pop culture bashing... or even a black version of Jezebel.
“Not all white women are Beckies, but all Beckies are white women.”
It’s amazing 2me how EVERY dam day you come up with something to hate on white ppl... Sounds like jealousy to me. Get Well Soon
Everytime I - for some dumbass reason - come to The Root I am reminded of how cynical and outright hateful the vast majority of the staff are.
This is horrific racist bullshit. I hope you enjoy it just as much when it’s turned on you.
Humor or not, so racist. Change a few words here and you’ve got a post on some insane alt-right blog.
white beckeisha using a black man for sex......riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. It must be opposite wednesdays. have a good day
How is this not racist? If a white person wrote an article detailing the 5 types of niggas the internet would explode.
This is sort of like Mad Magazine without the funny cartoons... and the people reading think it is a seriously transgressive piece of “work.”
“This is important... this means something.”
Know how we should fight systemic racism in America? Intersectional misogyny. Great job — YESS ALL WHITE WOMEN ARE GARBAGE
Read your Bible, draw closer to Jeshua, and come to realize that you’re focused on all the wrong things. Peace out peeps.