Chris Sherbak

I think if you’ve been told you are The Master of The World, and are clearly not “winning” there is cause for resentment. (But having those faces on the money, in Congress, in Boardrooms, eases the pain a bit. And has done so for quite a while.) And when those POC/Women/LGBTQ/”libtards” say you are privileged when you

I think it's a great movie all around - but there is violence and it's pretty clear that non-combatants are involved. FYI.

Since, in their minds, abortion is murder, they are lying to protect the fetus. Plus, they are not lying >>about<< someone - which is the the point of the commandment (i.e. it's not a generic "thou shalt not lie anytime, anyplace, about anything.") Immoral behavior, sure. But they rationalize a lot of things "to save