
That’s right, he did play King Regis in Kingsglaive. I wonder if he played in any other FF’s.
*Looks up and finds Sean Bean’s ‘Motion Capture for Aeris’ credit.

I picked up Hyperdimension: Neptunia Rebirth 1 and giving that series a go while it’s on sale. I’m kinda on the fence....it seems okay, but feels a little generic and blah (I am at the very beginning though so I’m not writing it off yet). Anybody clock in a good amount of hours to know if it’s worth it? (the main 4

Is this game worth it on PC? I want to get it while the Steam sale is still on but am hesitant. I like the campaign (when I played it on PS4) and love snapmap, but I read that not a lot of people play the game (so multiplayer might be stale), which if there’s bots it shouldn’t be a big deal I wouldn’t think. Does the

Agree on Bravely Second. Totally addicted for hours upon hours but the whole “you have to go into New Game+ to finish the FIRST play though of the game”...huh? I never ended up completing it. I just dropped my 3DS out of exhaustion.

I’d like to get more of the story of Regis and pals. Having played some of A Kings Tale I couldn’t make it that far because it was painfully repetitive. 4 enemies...go! Okay now 5. And another 5. Now 7. Now 6. Now 10....Next stage....thumbs bleeding.

You have to play through FF14 again because you switched systems? You should be able to sign in and continue your progress (I’m sure there’s some registration mumbo jumbo with the Square Enix site you have to do, it’s been a while since I did it) but they should both sync up in the end. You just won’t have your macros

Making my way through Legend Of Heroes: Trails In The Sky and I dig it. Would like to finish it, Cold Steel, and both of their sequels before their respective third games come out.

Right? Maybe it’s shipping. Because you can get a TON of cookies from Subway (well over 250) for that price. They have good cookies. Greasy sometimes. But good. Their meat on the other hand I’ve heard plenty of horror stories about.

All I got from this was “If this ho can hold her own, there’s no reason Cindy shouldn’t be able to join my party in future DLC.”

Ever since the trailer the only thing I didn’t like about the new design for Barret was the sunglasses. He looks better without them.

RIP Soul Calibur.

I never played Arc The Lad or a Wild Arms past 1 (I really liked that alter code f or whatever it was that was the remake on PS2, would love for them to put that on the PSN so i don’t have to pay a thousand dollars to replay it). Were any of the other Wild Arms good? (since I think I can still play most of these on

Agree, I’m about to finish the game and feel I’m going to walk away disappointed in the overall story, wasted opportunities, and the myriad of plot holes and underused supporting cast. They slapped in scenes from Kingsglaive and the Omen trailer and it just feels jarring and it still won’t be enough. That being said,

Now I can’t unsee the Cat Bird Creature Anus.

I’m at the end of the game and have only experienced two glitches in my 40 hour play through. The first is this one which I thought was pretty funny. The second was when (I don’t think it’s too spoilery) you temporarily don’t have your weapons and have to dodge these monsters that chase you everywhere and you can’t

Call him overrated, but if that’s intentional that’s pretty effing brilliant.

Kinda hard to watch these without the Final Fantasy XV summon music playing in my head.

Mortal Kombat X (Number 10)

I have only one thing keeping me from PS Now. On if they decide to just remove a game if your 50 hours into it, and you’re screwed. If they have a thing where they can remove it from the library but you can still access the game as long as you played it (kinda like free games on ps plus or give you a limit you can go