
Bummer. Even though my auto updates were off, I forgot the game forces the update if you close out of it. Oh well, at least I got some extra diamonds out of it for an early game money boost. Back to scanning Amiibos.

Sorry, I have to pass. There’s a burn ban in my area.

Too soon?

If that’s true and it gets me closer to having Pilotwings and Waverace on my Switch, then I’m 1000% for it.

Love that this is the actress that played the drummer in the Scott Pilgrim movie. Unless if that was intended ;)

Please burn and kill these with fire at your earliest convenience. Kay thanks.

I played a little of the Demo and what little I heard her talk had potential to grate my nerves...I’m curious if she can be more annoying than Mr. Mackey..err...Lymle from Star Ocean 4 -shudder-

Black Ops.

Now playing

For me, I don’t think any Star Wars game or interactive experience will ever come close to the levels of Shadows of The Empire....and the Princess Leia Fashion Show from the Behind The Magic CD-Rom...

My favorite game this year was Code Vein. It had me hooked from start to finish and one of the few games I can’t wait to do a new game plus run and play the Season Pass content.

*Time until headline changes to “Updated: Shut Down By Nintendo”....

Oh, all right. I slept on it, and all the Borderlands are still terrible because the Epic Games Store exists and all the Bioshocks are still terrible because Ken Levine cut in front of me at a Quiznos in 2002.

Zero sense of progression and the 3v3 killed it for me. Story was told by using “cutscene coins”? The whole thing was a dumpster fire. If they can find some way (despite comments about having to make a whole new game) to add some sort of RPG elements and ditch the team stuff I’ll happily be back on board.

I’ll take him as live action Bayonetta. “JEANNE!”.

I’m starting to get a little nervous about the lite (which I have pre-ordered). I have fairly beefy hands myself and I’m starting to worry if they get crampy on the smaller system, I’m screwed (the original didn’t really bother me, and I also don’t really play for long stretches, so I can probably get by). Just

I love Supergiant games (absolutely adored Pyre and Hades is a blast). I really hope Hades does really well as I would kill to have it on Switch. I don’t care how many systems I have to buy it on, if I have to go ‘Final Fantasy IX’ on it until it gets there, so be it.

I am kinda digging the idea that the only person in attendance was someone’s arm. “Gee, I’d love to go and show support over all the hard work you put in, but I kinda don’t want to sooo....*pop* *toss*.