Concerned Soccer Fan

Was it Thomas Davis Sr., or Thomas Davis Jr?

He’s got that Roger Federer grace of movement, just beautiful to watch. Tenacious P is the truth.

Go look at how US youth teams perform compared to their international counterparts at the elite tournaments, e.g., Dallas Cup, (hint: Americans perform very well against such teams) and then we can talk about the issue rather than recycle bogus statements like the“if we could just have the best athletes” argument.

Nah, in a country of 300+ million people, the “top athletes playing other sports” is a clown argument. See track and field or swimming and analyze US Olympic medal count. A diluted talent pool is not the issue.

Americans fall behind from the ages of 18-21. The reason is college soccer is a joke. At those ages at big clubs there is a path to consistent play with the senior team for the elites on the youth team. Our elite youth instead go to summer camp/debt factories to play under different rules that the NCAA calls soccer.