Captain Ron J. MacReady

Puppeteer is a fun, charming game with a great art style not unlike LittleBigPlanet. I loved it but never finished it because my PS3 YLOD'd and I lost my saves. Been meaning to revisit it since I fixed my PS3.

On the PS3 version of Skyrim, I once wreaked havoc on the city on the westernmost point of the map (forget its name) by stealing goods and killing all the guards (y'know, for shits and giggles).

What the world really wants is a deluxe vinyl reissue of Having Fun with Elvis on Stage. Make it so Mr. White!

I enjoyed it while it lasted, and I'm looking forward to the inevitable sequel. I agree with his sentiment that a lot more could have been done with the game's rich setting. But overall I think critics have been too hard on the game for not doing what it never set out to achieve in the first place. If you put stock in

*sings James Blunt's "You're Viewtiful"*

I'm about a third of the way through Sunset Overdrive, which I started earlier this week. It's fun, and I needed a game that didn't take itself too seriously after plowing through Far Cry 4 and The Order: 1886 back to back.

So there are balls getting kicked into outer spaaaaaaace in this then? Sold.

Fun Factor: 0

If this ridicule keeps up, it may be time for A Civil Action. I mean, it's not like this was some sort of Domestic Disturbance.

Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the Grease?

Sex Rhombus

When, Lord? When the hell do I get to see THE GODDAMN SAILBOAT???

I finished this game last night. While I agree that they could have done much more with the concept, I really enjoyed what I played and have no regrets for buying it.

My weekend gaming is going to be interrupted by the installation of my new gargantuan TV stand, which became a necessity after I bought an Xbox One and had to move my trusty PS3 to the floor.

I'm feverishly awaiting my copy of The Order: 1886 to arrive in the mail. I'm undeterred by the lukewarm reviews, because what some are seeing as negatives—the short length and reliance on cinematics—seem like a plus to me right now.

One needs only to fire up a random matchmaking session of Battlefield 4 and observe the inordinate number of ding dongs screwing around and not PTFO to realize that a 4v1 shooter that relies on teamwork and communication is never going to work flawlessly in the real world.

I think the world is ready for ALF to be back (pog form notwithstanding).

Wow, you're at the end boss? I've been playing the shit out of it and only just beat the castle boss. Which character do you prefer? I seem to do the best with the barbarian king.

Does a spiffy new version of an old game fit the bill for this week's topic? If so, Super Stardust Ultra, which hit the PS Store this week, is my new jam. Basically it's just a gussied-up version of the 2007 PS3 game with some new modes and 4-player splitscreen. Super Stardust HD is probably my most played PS3 game of

In other words, those who like their erotica more penetrating should look elsewhere.