Scientology set up a campaign against a few members of the IRS, even poisoning their dogs. They caved because they were sick of getting harassed. Scientology, including L Ron Hubbard’s wife, infiltrated the IRS illegally and went to jail for it.
Scientology set up a campaign against a few members of the IRS, even poisoning their dogs. They caved because they were sick of getting harassed. Scientology, including L Ron Hubbard’s wife, infiltrated the IRS illegally and went to jail for it.
Mans went from “Arrest The President” to “Trump 2020 stumper" in two short years. He had some undeniable bangers, but that Hollywood money took his soul.
Just what the happy hell!
The US has the highest COVID related death rates among the developed countries bc of one reason -
Carlson spent the last decade as Fox News’ most arguably most right-wing and racist host, a guy who so routinely trafficked in anti-Black content that the New York Times did an entire project on it.
This “the vaccine was a rush job” shit is so tired. The vaccine is almost 20 years old. It was originally developed back in 2007 for SARS, which came out of China in 2002 (called SARS-CoV-1, if that sounds familiar, COVID is SARS-CoV-2). Since contagious people were symptomatic, it was easier to quarantine people at…
Cube got rich. Really really rich. And like a lot of really really rich people, he’s bored (and wants those sweet sweet tax breaks!). Vaccine denialism is first and foremost about entertainment - it’s conspiracy porn.
1) Tucker is a White Supremist, I wonder if they talked about that.
Support Vice President Harris speaking up for truth and democracy in the face of creeping fascism.
I find it refreshing to read the grays, drink Sammy’s tears, and know that the members of Cypress Hill are all happily retired and also drinking Sammy’s tears.
“... the laptop thing is old.”
overstuffed? Check your runtimes. Strange 2 was the shortest entry in phase 4. I’m constantly sorry that film had the “wrong” cameos for you but it was actually one of the better recent MCU films when ur not being a whiny incel about it.
Uh oh! Resident gray white supremacist Samhain is was down in the grays claiming the GOP has never tried to disempower black voters!
Its really very simple, most Democrats believe in ethics, integrity, and believing people at their word.. And most republicans are essentially liars/cheats.. So when you have a situation where one side will use WHATEVER to get in office/power and one side that at least tries to be honest/ethical (with supporters that…
despite her disagreements over school vouchers and other Democratic policy platforms.
Or their war time treatment of China and Korea. There’s still beef to this day over that. But no one is truly innocent in war. The nukes US dropped in Japan killed somewhere in the neighborhood of 200,000 people, the vast majority being civilians.
Members of union:
Also in TX and I have found this to be quite true in all the “Dollar” store brands and locations. Also, the air conditioning is generally at a high setting or not working (with a bunch of huge noisy fans in place of it).
Interesting that the dude replying to you seems to state that if someone is part of a small minority of a population, that it’s fine to rob them over generations and not ever worry about making anything right concerning them.
Really, you entirely skipped the history of Liberia it’s ties to America and how that makes this particular flavor of fuckup entirely even more brain warping?