
I’d have to rewatch Temple of Doom. I think it and Crystal Skull are my least watched of the films:

I’m fine with never listening to Morgan.

rest in peace Gil Hill, aka Inspector Todd; real life police officer turned city councilman in Detroit by the time of the movie. IYKYK.

We’ll see how it goes. I hope the film is successful. The comics version of Deadpool is an amoral jackass, though. 

Spider-Man 2 deserves a place of honor in Super-Hero cinema.

Give it to Jordan Peele to completely write, produce and direct. Don’t force it to be connected to whatever else is going on with the films and the “big bad” of Cycle Six or whatever this is supposed to be.

Bring back Friday the 13th: The Series, with Micki ♥, Ryan, Jack and the cursed random objects.

I don’t think I’m missing anything by missing the farewell episode.

I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that it may not be an “A-list in the comics” villain. It may be someone who is B-list or further down, but by placing Esposito in the role it automatically gets to elevate the character’s status, provided that there is good dialogue.

often times, the first single from Marshall’s new LP is usually trash, and the album cuts are better. We’ll see how this one goes.

great album. I wish that the label promoted them to urban radio. Capitol Records exclusively focused on promoting them as an alternative rock band. If you were a black fan from the License to Ill days, seeing a rap group like the Beasties become this de facto white-fan enterprise was... odd..

He’s currently scheduled to be at the Dallas FanExpo (Comic Con) on the weekend of June 6 -8. I will not visit his table. But I will observe from afar for a minute to see if he has a long line. If so, clearly, there’s plenty of horrible fans who still like him in Texas.

the shark killing Hooper really should have been the filmed version.

you forgot about the dog from Empty Nest

I’d give the film an A minus. It shows the secrets that humans and apes alike can harbor. a well respected actor has a too-short supporting role, here, too.

pretty awful. This whole drama has gone too far, regardless of who was responsible for the gunman being there.

a death star ray is coming toward Earth, and Clark is... taking his time putting his boots on.

do a song about the Israel/Palestine situation, fellas. Do a song about the threat of Donald Trump. Just saying.

I think this has more to do with these two initially sending out tone-deaf support for Danny Masterson.  They don’t want that smoke.

Why is Cassandra Nova being wasted in a comedy film? She could have been a great foe for the “real” X-Men movie for the eventual MCU films.