
Support Vice President Harris speaking up for truth and democracy in the face of creeping fascism.

I find it refreshing to read the grays, drink Sammy’s tears, and know that the members of Cypress Hill are all happily retired and also drinking Sammy’s tears.

“... the laptop thing is old.”

overstuffed? Check your runtimes. Strange 2 was the shortest entry in phase 4. I’m constantly sorry that film had the “wrong” cameos for you but it was actually one of the better recent MCU films when ur not being a whiny incel about it.

Uh oh! Resident gray white supremacist Samhain is was down in the grays claiming the GOP has never tried to disempower black voters!

Its really very simple, most Democrats believe in ethics, integrity, and believing people at their word.. And most republicans are essentially liars/cheats.. So when you have a situation where one side will use WHATEVER to get in office/power and one side that at least tries to be honest/ethical (with supporters that

despite her disagreements over school vouchers and other Democratic policy platforms.

Or their war time treatment of China and Korea. There’s still beef to this day over that. But no one is truly innocent in war. The nukes US dropped in Japan killed somewhere in the neighborhood of 200,000 people, the vast majority being civilians.

Members of union:

Also in TX and I have found this to be quite true in all the “Dollar” store brands and locations. Also, the air conditioning is generally at a high setting or not working (with a bunch of huge noisy fans in place of it).

Interesting that the dude replying to you seems to state that if someone is part of a small minority of a population, that it’s fine to rob them over generations and not ever worry about making anything right concerning them.

Every American who a) knows there’s a country named Liberia and b) knows what the Liberian flag looks like won’t vote Republican. Really, I don’t know why they deleted the tweet.

Really, you entirely skipped the history of Liberia it’s ties to America and how that makes this particular flavor of fuckup entirely even more brain warping?

The casting of Mads Mikkelsen and Boyd Holbrook as a Nazi scientist and a racist Southerner who would collaborate with him is so spot on it’s almost lazy.

The genuinely refuse to accept that reality, the more progressive ones will note it happened but also that the numbers were probably lower. 

Do these people not know we literally had a whole war over Nazis that wiped out 5% of the world’s population? Do they not have grandparents and great grandparents who served? Do they know why all those Allied Forces at Normandy are buried there?

A child shouldn’t have to endure racist abuse, a form of violence. Period. Twisted sick minds: Excuse this egregious, savage behavior & label the survivorsvictims”. Dismiss the trauma by saying dumb shit like “it’s just words, get over it”. Further the uncivilized, inhumane acts by acting as if calling it out is

I live here in Redmond, OR (population about 35,000). This whole thing hurts me. The region—Central Oregon (which includes the bigger city of Bend, which is only about 105,000 people)—is very white. The biggest non-white group is people of Hispanic origin. There are few Black people and even fewer Asian people.

As someone who has had to deal with executives and marketing announcing things that were in no way a done deal, I feel for the folks involved. But also, I have never once seen a project that was overpromised in this way come to a good end.

A rogue’s gallery of racists, idiots and greedy opportunists.