I can’t wait to watch this! One edit though - flutes don’t have reeds (look at Lizzo). Add oboe, and it’s all good.
I can’t wait to watch this! One edit though - flutes don’t have reeds (look at Lizzo). Add oboe, and it’s all good.
For anyone who needs a little more Joy Reid in their life, she was the guest on Stephanie Miller’s most recent Happy Hour podcast.
Kayne best keep Harriet’s name out of his mouth. If this fool fucks up this election he best not ever show his face again. To all ashy Hotep’s who want to ride with this fool you best stop your shit now. This is too damn important for you all to be messing around with this idiot.
Or, take lessons from how the Evangelicals took over the GOP under Reagan. Form a cohesive and united voting block. Probably have to join forces with hispanics and other POC to get the kind of numbers needed. Threaten to start a 3rd Party and vote exclusively for your own candidates until they adopt your agenda.
You’ve already called it. Colorism. I’m just glad Jill received support because as quiet as it’s kept, mainstream Black publications didn’t really start speaking of Jill’s sexiness & beauty till her hair got permed/straightened and she lost some weight. Megan may identify as a redbone, but she’s not what I’d readily…
-In the past, I have laughed, but I stopped when we dragged Pam Oliver’s hair so hard, ESPN took her off the air.
-I no longer get down with Black men dressing up as Black women and playing stereotypes and caricatures of violent, angry, and ignorant Black women.
-I’m repulsed by Black people misgendering Black woman…
Oh, God, I hadn’t even thought about his replacement. That would be utterly vile of Kemp to do, so of course he’ll do it, I have little doubt.
Governors don’t appoint vacancies for the House, just the Senate. And John Lewis won his primary for the 6th district, so he’ll be on the ballot, and win one last time. Then we’ll have a special election to fill the seat, because nobody can replace him.
The word Icon has been thrown around so much lately it has lost meaning. In the case of John Lewis it may be an understatement. In an era of “fake woke”, Hotep’s that talk it but don’t ever come close to walking it and those that would rather switch than fight John Lewis towers above them all. I hope all of you that…
Please don’t wear any gear, attend any protests or make any comments about “Black Lives Matter” if you are going to impede a police investigation into one of our own HARMING one of our own. Amazing how can see someone wear a T-shirt expressing “Black Lives Matter” and then wear one that says “Stop Snitching.” Grow the…
Yup. To everything you wrote.
No lies detected. About the only thing you left you was his friendship with Martha Stewart demonstrating the ultimate form of selling out - when you find it more natural to be friends with any other rich person than with anyone of your own background. (Since you mentioned porn, I can’t help but think of Jerry Falwell,…
Preach brethren
FACTS, my good person! That was good good.
Best comment
That was a lot to read but I’m glad I did. Damn.
So why not give the other political party a try? I would think that voting exclusively for a party that has told you they would fix you for 50 plus years, yet never seem to deliver on their promises while saying there is still work to do so give us another 4 years to solve it? I know the other side isn’t perfect…
Hunh, someone who married Mariah Carey and wears turbans has wild ideas and no sense of self-preservation?! Smh
The fact that Chris Brown is still a thing in hip-hop collabs speaks to this. So much.
Annie Leibovitz is a very talented photographer. As stated in the article, her dark, arty style has always worked well for people with lighter skin. If she is unable to adapt her techniques to different subjects/ situations, then a different photographer should do the shoot. Obviously, we need more Black…