make it about other characters entirely.
make it about other characters entirely.
bizarre. two boomer musicians and a super weird nitpicking over songwriting credits after all this time. Stop it!
I hope that this is not as tedious as Oliver Stone’s Alexander the Great film.
most people have no problem being casually racist toward a black woman, especially one in a creative space. If this is you, own it. stop denying it.
I don’t care. He shouldn’t be back on any scene. I better not see him get interviewed by Entertainment Tonight, etc., anymore.
don’t care. I’ll see it twice. Minority filmmakers get trashed more viciously than white filmmakers who put out “pablum”. but hey, you’re more righteous than me, so go ahead.
it should keep the momentum going until the Beyonce movie comes out. But it should still have enough momentum to keep good box office going into the Thanksgiving and Christmas weekends. support this movie!
so will it be like the Walking Dead where the T800s are everywhere and it’s about humans surviving one another (corrupt humans, antagonistic humans) plus dodging the robots?
Bibi Netanyahu and his right-wing party supported the rise of Hamas, knowing that they were even more hypermilitant, because he hoped that they would topple the PLO, then go off the rails with their reactionary positions, giving him an excuse to completely wipe out both Gaza and the West Bank. He’s reprehensible and…
Nimarata Randhawa Haley could stand to be honest about her given name.
When Germany started WWII, we rightly placed the blame not just on the German military, but on the German people themselves. Civilian casualties are a tragedy, but unavoidable so long as there is no unconditional surrender by Hamas.
If McConnell resigns, Beshear should appoint a Democrat, and file a lawsuit to protect his choice.
racist clown. I hope he is forced to testify in some of these trials of Mr. Trump. I don’t care about his claims of “immunity” as Vice President.
bizarre man. no real policy ideas. sad.
the bunny image, for now, anyway, is pretty entrenched into the USA’s general culture as being a “generic pop culture costume” for a ‘sexy lady’. Much in the same was a a “vampire” “Frankenstein”, “werewolf”, archetypes have their generic costumes. (Not a great comparison, obviously, because the monster outfits general…
I’m here for you, Lupita.. Holler at me..
There should be a movie version of that video game with the grown version of Ripley’s daughter, where it’s just one alien again.
best of luck to britney for the future.
awful tragedy. sad.
KFC- get rid of the egg whites in your biscuit recipe. I’d come back.