damned screwy. Oh well. Detectives, stop shtupping witnesses. Y’all are goofy.
damned screwy. Oh well. Detectives, stop shtupping witnesses. Y’all are goofy.
how racially diverse is the town now?
sometimes you simply have to take responsibility. Contribute to his GoFundMe if you feel sorry for Baldwin.
I support this and her reparations bill. at least she’s trying to do something progressive for black people.
Dimwit jackass.
never called the hotline, never was interested. I guess it tracks that her background was in acting.
Find another job, bro.
Damned weird.
The name is a little silly.
.... why is this Australian fellow deeply interested in Mardis Gras parades?
Damned nitwits, all of them on the R side. May they all get replaced by D’s in 2024, and hopefully some may get replaced earlier if the Department of Justice will aggressively prosecute any with a direct connection to the January 6th invasion.
looks halfway decent. If the “queso sauce” doesn’t include egg whites, I’ll try it out. I’d rather have curly fries with it, though. Why doesn’t BK try curly fries? Seriously.
Well, at least their kids get a nice college education out of all this falderal. Right?
Idiotic moron. I fear the worst for any new snow storms in the state.
and the first Blade film. low budget, big turnout.
quite a bit of the first movie seems quaint now, especially with the skepticism toward outright flight that was avoided for the first two films.
I hope the GOP self implodes more of their credibility for as long as possible. Clowns.
continued success; as long as he doesn’t feel he has to go back to pro wrestling. It’s time for a movie where he goes up against Dwayne Johnson. I predict he will be in the next Fast Furious: Hobbs film.
19th century Republicans circa 1870 were FOR black enfranchisement, and supported blacks running for office and helping to advance the rights of their communities. 21st century Republicans circa 2023 are AGAINST black enfranchisement, and do NOT support blacks running for office if the agenda is advancing the rights…